do chins hicuup?

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Well-known member
Jun 7, 2010
Chi chi was drinking her water today shen she made a sound like a hiccup. She did this bout 3 times and it stoped. haven't heard her make it since
Oh gawd yes! Poor Polo was hiccuping for at least 30 minutes one night. Poor boy was so irritated. I was going to have my BF take him to the vet but they stopped as soon as we made the decision.
Yes, Jemma was popcorning hard around the cage the other day because I put in her fleece tube after having the cover washed and she went to drink really fast and suddenly started hiccuping. She did it for a couple of minutes and was SOOO MAD! It was cute but at first I freaked out because I thought she had choked or something. After that she'd take a drink sloooowly and give the water bottle her special evil eye lol
It shouldn't be. I was just a paranoid, first time chin owner when Polo had them and because they were going on for a while I thought to bring him to the vet.
Snow always Hiccups and she will GLARE at me the whole time, like its my fault!!! It goes beyond stink eye, guess it doesnt help that I laugh the whole time.
My goodness, I've had Tinkerbell for 2 years now and I've never heard her hiccup! I had no idea that they did, lol. I think Tinkerbell has too much attitude to hiccup, lol