Do chinchillas know when to stop eating?

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Well-known member
Nov 7, 2010
I ask this question because I am going on vacation. My uncle will be watching over them because it's only 3 days. He won't have to clean the cage because it's only 3 days. I'm wondering if I should buy an automatic feeder and just put that in the cage, so that my uncle wouldn't have to open the cage. It's not that he's scared, but I just don't want him to accidently let the chinchillas loose. Once a chinchilla is loose, it's very hard to catch, I know you guys can understand that. But yes, can I buy an automatic feeder?
They usually won't overeat when they are given the same food that they are used to having. I'm not sure how the automatic feeder it just a large hopper type feeder? If so, it's okay to fill it up with a few days worth of food...but have your uncle keep an eye on it to make sure it still has food. I worry about not feeding everyone a couple times a day because they can dig out all their food or flip their dishes and go without, but if you have someone watching the food level, it should be okay.
My chins are all good at pacing themselves :) Not that I ever would, but if I had to, I could fill the cage with a weeks worth of food and not worry about it, they would just eat the same as always.

However, I did have one rescue once who threw his food around like nobody's business-so you just need to know your chins...and yeah, prepare your uncle for any eventuality. If all you tell him is to come into the room, look around and be done, that will almost guarantee something is going to go wrong-temperature problems, chins fighting, sickness, someone fell, water bottle broke and leaked out, etc... things that can go wrong, go wrong all the more when someone who doesn't know what to look for is watching :)
I always have my chin's food bowl filled with a couple of days worth of food...I have never had any issues with her overeating. Your chin should be fine for the 3 days you are gone.
chinchillas willnot over eat. I would have him fill food/water once a day and you should be fine