different hays.

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2009
I give Gizmo timothy hay daily, but I've also started giving him, oat hay, botanical, orchard, and bluegrass hay. I know timothy is supposed to be the staple, but how many times per week should the other 4 hays be given? Can one type be given more than the other 3?
Any of the grass hays are fine to be given daily in plentiful amounts (bluegrass, orchard grass, mountain grass, timothy, meadow hay, bermuda, brome, etc.).

The botanical hay I would give more as a treat since it includes dried flowers and herbs. Maybe a small amount once or twice a week.

The oat hay is a coarse grain hay and helps keep those cheek teeth ground down. It can be offered in small amounts a few times a week just for a little variety in texture and also stimulation. Chins seem to love foraging in their oat hay and in this case, it's good when they play with their food... ;)
As a staple I give a mix of Sweet Meadow Farm Timothy Hay and Meadow Hay. I also throw in a bit of Oxbow Orchard Grass when I have it.

The botanical hey and oat hay I use as a periodic treat.
I was feeding them just timothy but since I can't find good timothy here they get timothy/orchard mix. They also get timothy/alfalfa hay cubes, plus PANR.