Chin Slave
So how does everyone with multiple chins handle chins that have different tastes. Most of my guys were on Mazuri when i first got them. They didnt seem overly enthusiastic so I switched them to Purina Rabbit Show Chow, well it was the other one before they changed it but whatever. 4 of them came with the mazuri so i can not comment on if it was very fresh or not.
I have at least one PITA chin that just doesnt like the PRSC, he also doesnt like th Oxbow. so for the last year i have been basically forcing him to eat pellets he doesnt love and i added some beaphar plus (like 5 or 7 pieces) just to get him to eat. Which looking back really isnt fair to him.
I had to pick up dust from barb (mt zion chins) and I decided to get some Mazuri from her just to try it again for Stitch. Of course he ate it.
So now I am in a quandry as to what to do! I have 9 chins (plus 1 rescue who does not eat many pellets at all). 8 of them are on PRSC, Richie is on Oxbow/Beaphar plus and now i have Stitch on Mazuri.
Should I try to switch them all over to Mazuri again? or should i mix?
I am so torn what to do. I know I have had decent results with the PRSC, although my vet often questions why I am feeding them "rabbit" food!
I dont want to do crazy switches all the time. Was thinking of 1 night just giving everyone mazuri and seeing how they do. And keeping a record as to who ate what. Is that a bad idea??
Instead of buying 4 foods (PRSC, Oxbow, Mazuri, Bephar) I would love to cut it down to 3 or even better 2. Suggestions?
Its not so much the money becasue I could grab a 50lb bag of prsc & a 35 bag of mazuri and would use it in the time it would expire or just get smaller amounts from barb. its just keeping track of who gets what, especially if i try to go away for a day or so!
I have at least one PITA chin that just doesnt like the PRSC, he also doesnt like th Oxbow. so for the last year i have been basically forcing him to eat pellets he doesnt love and i added some beaphar plus (like 5 or 7 pieces) just to get him to eat. Which looking back really isnt fair to him.
I had to pick up dust from barb (mt zion chins) and I decided to get some Mazuri from her just to try it again for Stitch. Of course he ate it.
So now I am in a quandry as to what to do! I have 9 chins (plus 1 rescue who does not eat many pellets at all). 8 of them are on PRSC, Richie is on Oxbow/Beaphar plus and now i have Stitch on Mazuri.
Should I try to switch them all over to Mazuri again? or should i mix?
I am so torn what to do. I know I have had decent results with the PRSC, although my vet often questions why I am feeding them "rabbit" food!
I dont want to do crazy switches all the time. Was thinking of 1 night just giving everyone mazuri and seeing how they do. And keeping a record as to who ate what. Is that a bad idea??
Instead of buying 4 foods (PRSC, Oxbow, Mazuri, Bephar) I would love to cut it down to 3 or even better 2. Suggestions?
Its not so much the money becasue I could grab a 50lb bag of prsc & a 35 bag of mazuri and would use it in the time it would expire or just get smaller amounts from barb. its just keeping track of who gets what, especially if i try to go away for a day or so!