im not a breeder or anything, but i thought wilson white is white with black ears and mosaic is when a darker color is scattered on a white chinchilla. Thats just what i thought though.
Really they are the same thing. Some whites have lots of markings some don't. There are a ton of names for each color these are the types of whites in a show a white is a white.
Whites; are white with markings. The pattern of markings will vary from animal to animal and the color of the patterning will depend on the type of white.
Mosaic; this is a white with grey markings. These chinchillas will have black eyes.
White ebony; this chinchilla is similar to the mosaic but it has the ebony gene.
Pink white; is white with beige markings. This chinchilla will have red eyes
Tan White; is a pink white with the ebony gene. The markings may be from light beige to a dark tan. This chinchilla will have red eyes.