Diarrhea? Please Help!

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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2009
I just woke up to discover what I at first thought was throw up on the shelves in Beaker's cage but I remember being told they can't throw up. It looked like mucousy piles of liquid that were a pale yellow color. I'm consfused because she has been eating normal and going to the bathroom normally. There were three spots of it and her hind end is wet. She's not lethargic or anything, she's bouncing around like normal. I looked up diarrhea and people said it was more like mushy poo, what is this? Please help!
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I wiped it up with a paper towel and it only smells if I put it right up under my nose. It reminded me of vomit smell. I just read that someone had this problem when giving their chinchilla timothy hay. I just started giving mine Oxbow Timothy Hay loose, she was on the hay cubes before this and when I got her from the pet store she didn't have any hay at all in her cage. Could this be causing the problem?
Are you sure it's not urine? Urine is orangish/brown in color. If you find mucous on your chin's stool a vet visit is in order. Loose stool is considered stool you can flatten with little effort, it may even appear flattened in the cage due to being stepped on by the chinnie or sticking to the chinnie, but what you are describing is not normal whatsoever unless it is urine. If it is easily flattened stool you can give your chinnie a non-sugar shredded wheat square to see if that firms it up. Hay should not cause loose stool unless for some reason it is not dried hay. Hay is what you would want to give exclusively if loose stool is a problem.
Smell usually means infection, whether parasitic or bacterial you won't know without a vet visit, if it was my chin I would take her to the vet, infections of the gut can go very wrong if not treated. I treat regular loose poo without smell with pet pecillin, if there is a nasty smell I head for the vet.
It was a very pale yellow color and she has never peed on her shelves before. Her hind end was also wet which I've never seen before. She doesn't have loose poop though, she was pooping fine last night. I called my vet and my doctor is the only one who sees exotics and he's gone till monday. I'm going to try calling Banefeild Animal Hospital in Deptford but I think someone said that Dr. Goode is away too.
I'm wondering if I'm over reacting and it was pee, I'm sitting next to the cage now and just saw her poop and it looked normal and wasn't squishy or easily flattened. She's up and acting normal and she ate some pellets and hay...
She's a female, so could it be something vaginal? Has she been messing with her nether-regions lately? We had Carmen treated for an open pyometra a few months ago, and one of the things we noticed was yellowish discharge on the shelves and a wet hind end. Can someone with more experience speak on this?
She has been poking around a lot down there. I got a vet appointment, I'm leaving now to drop her off untill 4pm. The doctor wants to observe her to see if she does it again. They'll let me know whats wrong and what to do when I pick her up. I'll keep you posted.
She saw Dr. Goode and she said that everything looked normal. They kept her for fives hours and she was pooping normal, was active and she said she didn't see any discharge or anything like i described. She told me to call her tomorrow to give her an update on how she is.
i love dr goode! she really cares about our pets. i think maybe beaker peed and then pooped in the pee and it made a little mix that was what you saw. maybe her bottom was wet because she sat in the mix?
She was very helpful! I'm monitoring Beaker's eating and drinking and Dr. Goode wants me to call her tomorrow to give her and update and to also call her on tuesday to tell her how Beaker is. She even saved all the normal poops Beaker made in her office to show me that she had been doing fine lol. So far Beaker seems normal food and activity wise :) I'm glad I found Dr. Goode on the forum listing here, my other vet wouldn't have taken her until monday, blah. I'm still at a loss for what I found in the cage, it didn't have any poops in it, it was just this pale yellow mucus looking liquid. I described it to the doctor and she said it may have been some product of irritation down there but when examining her everything looked in order and it didn't happen while she was there in the office.
Did she swab her, to take a culture and check for infection? That would be my concern with the discharge and wet hiney.
She said she did a fecal exam and did an exam on urogenital system and found nothing. I think she was looking for discharge first and then would've done the swab. She also told me to watch for it too and I'm going to be in contact with her over the next couple of days but so far there's been nothing.