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Well-known member
May 27, 2011
My poor little fancy rat, Minnie, has a large fatty tumor. We took her to the vet when it started out and she said not to worry about it. She's 5ish, so she probably wouldn't make it through a removal surgery and she said it would probably just come back.

The problem now is that it's grown so large that it's rubbing and getting irritated. I tried wrapping it to hold it up but she just slides right out of everything I've wrapped her in. Even if I could get her to keep something on, the girls would all eventually eat it daily.

We're both kind of avoiding the vet, mostly because we don't want sad news. If Minnie goes, Molly will soon follow. Those two are attached. And then who knows what will happen to Zombie and Rory after that. We're scared.

Suggestions to keep her from rubbing it raw and getting infected?
Where is the tumor located? What type of bedding is she on? Switching to all fleece if she isn't on it already could help.
5ish is an old lady for a rat. My very favorite rattie was a naked girl named
"Naked Butt". I loved her sooo much! She had a tumor that got huge and started rubbing and even got scabby from her draging it. I let it go until it was obvious that it was painful for her, then I took her to the vet to end her suffering. It was horrible and broke my heart, but it was the kindest thing to do. Im sorry that you are going through this, you will know when something needs to be done. Until then, be thankful for having her in your life and enjoy her to the fullest. :hug2:
The rats are big fleece eaters, so we use carefresh and paper shreds. I was thinking about securing fleece to their wheel with Velcro or something because I can't take their wheel away without decreasing quality of life. I can't remove her either because that creates too much havoc for all. Right now it's just going bald. Thanks for taking time out for me!