Dental X-Ray Pics?

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Feb 4, 2009
I tried doing a search to find any x-rays of chins with malo, but am just getting a ton of posts with "x-ray" in the posts. If anyone has any x-ray pics of normal chins, or chins with malo, or links to some, I would appreciate it very much.

I googled this also, and just keep getting the same set of x-rays.

Alpayton posted my pictures of chins with malo. It should be under GSC with malo? under breeding. It's under this category because I was going to breed her mom and full sister from another litter. Both of them will never be bred. I also have some x-rays with chins with no malo which are 1/2 sisters to the ones with malo. The x-rays will also show their moms which don't have malo. These x-rays haven't been posted yet.
Alpayton posted my pictures of chins with malo. It should be under GSC with malo? under breeding. It's under this category because I was going to breed her mom and full sister from another litter. Both of them will never be bred. I also have some x-rays with chins with no malo which are 1/2 sisters to the ones with malo. The x-rays will also show their moms which don't have malo. These x-rays haven't been posted yet.