More of a rant then anything, but its rly getting annoying at this point.
A few years back i had my chins in FN cages with the standard plastic trays. The whole tray was covered in littler. (Gotta love that mess.) As the family grew to five chins, the were separated into two cages. One with two males, the other with three females.
It was the females who started this whole process. (You'll see the irony of that shortly) Even with the whole trays covered in litter, they started to stick to certain corners to go pee. As it became a regular thing, i tested it and started only putting litter in the corners of the trays. And the girls continued to use just the corners.
The males stuck to specific spots as well, but not necessarily main corners. As it progressed, i ordered in some metal corner litter pans. (By this time i had bass pan trays as well and they had been using them a while.) I put those corner pans in both the cages. (currently 4 on the first floor, 1 on the second floor.) The girls started using them pretty well. And the males took to it perfectly. Which was what i was concerned about seeing at they didn't use the main corners before.
Everything was going pretty well. Much less litter being used. Much less litter being knocked out of the cage edges on a daily basis. And much less mess to clean up daily.
A few months or so ago, one of my girl chins decided that they no longer liked the pans. The mother chin, if you believe that. She just wont use them any more. And every single day now, i wake up to the bottom tray covered in pee. And a fair amount on the top tray too. It is driving me crazy cleaning this up every single morning. And since the corner pans are not perfectly aligned with the tray, the pee can get under them. So i have to take them out to clean the tray and underneath the littler pans.
I don't know what it is with her. But she does this every single night. And i hate cleaning this amount up every morning. Ive considered going back to just lining the bass pan with litter again. But her two daughter's that live with her, are still using the pans just fine. And i wouldn't want to change that mentality. And fleece linings are not an option here since i can only get wash done usually once every two weeks.
Its aggravating to say the least... :hair: :banghead:
A few years back i had my chins in FN cages with the standard plastic trays. The whole tray was covered in littler. (Gotta love that mess.) As the family grew to five chins, the were separated into two cages. One with two males, the other with three females.
It was the females who started this whole process. (You'll see the irony of that shortly) Even with the whole trays covered in litter, they started to stick to certain corners to go pee. As it became a regular thing, i tested it and started only putting litter in the corners of the trays. And the girls continued to use just the corners.
The males stuck to specific spots as well, but not necessarily main corners. As it progressed, i ordered in some metal corner litter pans. (By this time i had bass pan trays as well and they had been using them a while.) I put those corner pans in both the cages. (currently 4 on the first floor, 1 on the second floor.) The girls started using them pretty well. And the males took to it perfectly. Which was what i was concerned about seeing at they didn't use the main corners before.
Everything was going pretty well. Much less litter being used. Much less litter being knocked out of the cage edges on a daily basis. And much less mess to clean up daily.
A few months or so ago, one of my girl chins decided that they no longer liked the pans. The mother chin, if you believe that. She just wont use them any more. And every single day now, i wake up to the bottom tray covered in pee. And a fair amount on the top tray too. It is driving me crazy cleaning this up every single morning. And since the corner pans are not perfectly aligned with the tray, the pee can get under them. So i have to take them out to clean the tray and underneath the littler pans.
I don't know what it is with her. But she does this every single night. And i hate cleaning this amount up every morning. Ive considered going back to just lining the bass pan with litter again. But her two daughter's that live with her, are still using the pans just fine. And i wouldn't want to change that mentality. And fleece linings are not an option here since i can only get wash done usually once every two weeks.
Its aggravating to say the least... :hair: :banghead: