Dehydration...what's the problem?

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So over the last few days I have noticed that Oliver's poohs are much smaller and dryer (drier??) than my adult female's and even their 3 kits. He has been eating his pellets but I don't think he has been drinking very much from what I can tell of the water line. I am marking the bottle today and boiling it to make sure nothing is growing. I try to boil their bottles every few days and fill with fresh water daily. Today I added lifeline to his pellets but I don't know if that is going to make him drink more.
He has been separated from his lady for about 2 1/2 months and I'm wondering if chins can get depressed and stop drinking/eating? He is scheduled to get a little 'snip snip' on Wednesday but I'm not sure if he should get it if he is dehydrated. I was hoping this would make him happier so he can go back with his cage mate.
I felt his belly, and it's nice and squishy. He also hasn't lost any weight from when I weighed him about 2 months ago, with the exception of about 5 grams. Any ideas? No surgery, yes to surgery? He doesn't like to be syringe fed but I gave him watery lifeline tonight.

If this has already been asked and answered in another thread please delete this and point me in the direction! I tried to find a similar question but couldn't. Thanks!
Any ideas? No surgery, yes to surgery? He doesn't like to be syringe fed but I gave him watery lifeline tonight.

Whoa Nellie! Calm down and think a few. Do you have the exact same looking poops every time you go? Likely not. Chins fluctuate just like we do.

It could be anything from you've turned the a/c on super cold to your carpet doesn't look right. I do know that the colder the room, the less they drink. Also, he could just be eating less. The hotter it gets, the less they eat. Get a storm, they eat less. Fart in their general direction... you get the idea.

Leave him alone, watch them. If you really haven't changed anything they will probably pick back up in size.
Surgery? Did I miss something? Is he peeing? If he's peeing, he's drinking. If he's not peeing, then you may have an issue.

Like Spoof said, if he's peeing, just watch him for a few days. The poos should go back to normal, as should his drinking. Some days they drink alot, others not so much.

You can water down some lifeline and give him some. Mine seem to like it pretty wattery, so that will supplement his water intake a bit as well.
Ya sorry I should have said neutered, but the word wouldn't form in my head, haha. Their cage is right under an air vent and I keep a sheet over it so it doesn't get too chilly, and I've had it on and off the last couple of weeks. Maybe he is just more sensitive to the cold than the others? He is on the bottom part of the cage though, so it's still kind of weird.
I will take a pic of the female's next to his and post that tomorrow. Should I postpone the surgery then? I called the vet and explained what was going on and he is supposed to call tomorrow. He has a lot of experience with chinnies so hopefully he will give me a good answer.
Oh and I forgot to mention, I have noticed his water line not going down over the past few weeks but didn't think much of it b/c his poops were small but moist. Just recently they have become very dry :(
Have you checked that his water bottle is working properly?
Cold air sinks and heat rises. If you're really curious you can swap them. My chin room will have a 10-15 degree difference between the floor and the ceiling as it runs more frequently.

I'm sure your vet will be able to help you in regards to surgery safety. :))
Claire, my roommate actually asked that question last night. I checked and it releases water just fine. I have 2 of the same size bottles and I'm sure they have gotten switched around after being boiled and refilled and the other chins are drinking just fine. I noticed it was a bit lower this morning, but I'm not going to get too excited just yet. Hopefully the vet will give me some good advice today, and I'll let you know.
I'm really wondering if he is just depressed and for some reason doesn't want to drink. He has been less feisty with me lately (usually he'll run all over the cage to avoid being picked up for playtime) and when I take him out and place his on the couch next to me, he will run over to the pillows and hide. If I make a blanket hut on my lap, he will hide under there and not come out and even shake a little. I dunno what's going on with him. I'm going to try taking him out for longer periods of time and see how that works...maybe play some soft music while I'm at work. :/