dead chin what to do with her cagemate?

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i just found one of my chins dead :cry3:she was fine earlier 2day i don't know what happened i took her cagemate out moved her into a different cage by herself and cleaned everything in the cage where she died im worried that she might have been sick or something i have her cagemate seperate from the rest of my chins anything else i should do??11
Oh...I am so sorry. That is just horrible. :( I hope you're alright, losing a chin is never easy at all. It always hurts so bad!

I would definitely clean everything up just to be sure that the poor living chin doesn't catch something that may be contagious. So, I think you've done the right thing. :) There is a chance that the chinnie died of something like choke or possibly an intestinal blockage...sometimes acute things like that happen and are completely accidental. Not that that would make it easier, but it would put your mind at ease.

I've had the same thing happen. The chins are just fine without any problems and I return to find that something went really wrong. It happens...and it's sad and horrible. :( I'm so so sorry.
thank you foy the quick reply and support but how long should i keep her quarantined as i think she will be lonely and i have some friends in mind 4 her
Basic quarantine is 30 days. Another good idea would be to take the chin that died to an exotic vet and have them perform a necropsy to try and find out why she died.

I'm sorry you lost a's a very hard thing to go through. Keep your head up and give your girl love, but keep her separate for 30 days or until you get results from a necropsy.