Day in a Cat Carrier?

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Ok so today is supposed to get up to 90 degrees. Which does not happen here. It's been on the warmer side around here and I don't have A/C and my land lord won't let me get one :( But I have been keep the chins cool (bucket of ice in front of a fan, switching out frozen chin chillers every 20 minutes, wet & frozen towel draped over the cage) and they have been fine. However, there is no way I am going to be able to keep them cool in 90 degree heat.

I was going to bring them with me to my office today (which is always kept VERY cool) and I was going to bring them in a cat carrier. So this is my question... is it okay for them to be in such a small area all day? They are obviously used to a very large cage and now they will be in a tiny cat carrier. I laid a fleece liner down, attached a fleece tube, and I am going to bring their water and food. You think they will be okay for the day?

Thanks in advance!
When I bought my new chins, there were 3 in a cat carrier for 4 days I believe. When we were in the hotel, I just let them out to run around for a bit at night.

They'll be fine. They'll most likely sleep the whole day, anyway.
They will be fine. Just watch that they don't chew their way out.
Should be fine - they'll probably sleep right through the day, if it's quiet! Good choice!
i had to bring my one chin to work with me last week cause he was going to the vet and i put him a cat carrier. i did lay some paper towels in the front so he would pee on that and not pee on the fleece where he was laying. they will be fine & the alternative is not an option. dont forget the apple sticks!
Thanks for the answers guys!

I am at work now. I brought heir water bottle, hay, and pellets. I also brought sticks and rose hips. They are happily asleep, cuddled in a tube :)