Darn it, Furby.

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I love my FurBlobs.
Nov 16, 2009
Arcata, Berkeley, CA
Hey guys, my young chin Furby recently recovered from his minor URI and from the antibiotics he stopped eating. So I have been feeding him Critical Care and he seemed to start eating, so I stopped hand feeding him and he now seems to have slowed/stopped eating. At least to what I notice. His poop is normal though.
I also recently got LifeLine and Dyne from Chocolatechinchillas.com and I was wondering how I should serve them to him, should I continue to hand feed him the Critical Care, or see if his appetite will pick up with the LifeLine alone? And what about Dyne? How long should it be before I start to see some changes in his appetite do you think?
I mix the LifeLine into a paste, and let them eat it off a spoon!
I believe there's directions with the Dyne to mix it in the water bottle, but wash it out daily.
i use the lifeline in a thinner consistancy and syringe it, you could also mix with the CC.
i only use the dyne sparingly, about .10 cc, which is 1/10th of a full CC syringe. I have also mixed it with some water to dilute it as it is very sugary. the same amount but then i would fill the rest of the syringe with water.
the lifeline i use a few time daily. when my chin was sick i would use the dyne only a few times a week until i noticed he wasnt dropping weight anymore. maybe try once a day for the first 3 and then every other day for the next three and then 3x a week for a week???
My chin Herby did the same thing after her teeth were ground down and after hand feeding her for a few weeks, I got the Life Line and the Dyne about 2 weeks ago and followed the directions that came with it ( I ordered from the same place you did ) and after about 3 days of feeding her that, I noticed that her appetite picked up, and I was able to get the hand feeding down to once a day ( in the morning ) and she would graze during the day on the pellets. On Christmas Eve I noticed that she was eating completely eating on her own so I am no longer hand feeding her or giving her the Dyne.

Follow the directions that come with the Life Line and the Dyne and you should do fine! I hope things start looking up for you and Furby!