Darker Wood for Cage Shelves?

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NWI Chinchillas
Feb 1, 2009
Hammond, IN
I've always used pine wood to make shelves for the chin cages... but as quite a few of my chins pee on their shelves, making oh-so-pretty patterns on the shelves, my mom asked me if there was a darker wood that is used to make lumber that is also chin safe. I realized I don't know if there is.

I've seen the safe woods list, but I can't say that I really know which woods are lighter in color (like pine) or more of a brown-ish color (naturally, like without being stained).

Does anyone know of a darker wood than pine that's chin safe that some place might sell in boards the way pine is?
You are going to pay through the nose for board feet of chin safe wood other than pine. Most of the darker toned wood available at Home Depot etc. in board lengths is mostly hardwoods that aren't safe, like maple and oak.

Chin safe woods with darker colors like manzanita are hard to get in board sizes, and will also be expensive.

So, for an alternative, keep some pine wood shelves but make a few out of melamine with flashing over the edges, so they can't be chewed? There are a couple of homemade cage threads that show melamine cages and how it can be used safely with chins. Another option might be attaching tile to the softer woods that are chin safe to make surfaces easier to clean, but if you try that route, you'll have to provide plenty of hanging and toss/foot toys of safe wood for them to chew as well.
I've also seen some people dye wood with the food dye, just mix a bunch of colors together until you get brown and then brush it onto the shelves. Although when they chew the shelves the color will come off as the dye doesn't go all the way through the wood.
I've also seen some people dye wood with the food dye, just mix a bunch of colors together until you get brown and then brush it onto the shelves. Although when they chew the shelves the color will come off as the dye doesn't go all the way through the wood.
That's an idea... could be worth trying before I spend a small fortune per square ft... I've never dyed wood or toys or anything (always buy em and let other people do the work!), anyone want to give me the mini-version of how it's done? I know Alli said about brushing it on, but I think I once had someone tell me they soaked the entire piece of wood (for a toy, a shelf would obviously be more difficult), but that's about all I remember - as to how long, whether it should be rinsed, whether it should be dried naturally or in the stove... any insight?
Keep in mind that if you dye the wood, the dye may come off and stain your chin's fur. I us the pine boards and wipe them down with peroxide to get the pee stains out. It works great.
Tile your wood shelves-no more pee stains, easy clean up, and you can choose your colors. I have had tile shelves for over 10 years and love them.
I'll have to try the peroxide... for awhile there, we had a spraying female in a 6' tall cage (that thank god, was on wheels and could be moved away from the other cages) and the entire cage was sticky, top to bottom. Not to mention she peed on every shelf, so at least half of every shelf in that cage has pee stains... and it's not like we couldn't replace the shelves, we could... and it wouldn't even be that expensive, but it'd be good to get some more time out of them... and if I was to replace them, I'd like to replace them with something that's going to last a bit longer (in the cages where the chins pee on the shelves).

One of the chins already is nice and blue (like, neon blue) I assume as a result of laying on lava ledge dust. Being stained brown would look more natural at least, haha!

Dawn, do you have pictures? I'd be interested to see those tiled- shelves... how do you attach the tile? Do you use grout, or do you just butt the tiles up really close against one another?
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We used liquid nail to attach the tile and a thin grout line, it is super easy to do! No more need to ever replace shelves and the chins love it because its cool to the feet.


There is no wood that can be cut into boards that is really naturally dark. Even mazanita is light in the center.

The tile is a good way, be sure to use real tile, not vinyl.
I also put my shelves with my girls who potty on them at a bit of a tilt, so the pee doesn't sit and build off between cleanings!
That's a good idea about tilting the shelves, thanks! I check on the chins at least once or twice a day, but it'd be good if I don't go down there to find big puddles that they're all sitting in....