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Apr 10, 2011
I have heard that dandelions make a good treat for chinchillas but I am still wondering a few things. If someone could tell me how to prepare fresh-picked dandelions and feeding directions, that would be great.
someone told me blackberry vines are ok, too. Was wondering if that is true, and what prep, if any, are needed...
I can not speak to the appropriateness or preparation of the dandelions, however, I do not know too many yards that have never been sprayed with any chemicals (especially those meant to kill dandelions), so I would be cautious about using dandelions from the yard.
I just give the dandelions to the chins fresh if they're 'in season' lol (you can rinse them off if you feel the need). Just one (or 1/2 of one if they're large) per chin. If I'm saving them for later, I put them in my dehydrator to dry them out.

As said, make sure they haven't been sprayed with anything first and you probably don't want to collect them from close to the roadside. You can also grow them in a pot if you're worried about chemicals...just spread out some of the seeds.
I can not speak to the appropriateness or preparation of the dandelions, however, I do not know too many yards that have never been sprayed with any chemicals (especially those meant to kill dandelions), so I would be cautious about using dandelions from the yard.

My yard has NEVER been sprayed. We have lived here for 15+ years and before we lived here...the place was a forest. lol
Great suggestions Alison.

If you don't have a dehydrator you can lay them out flat on a counter to dry naturally or in the summer on a tray in your car. The car makes a great oven and I process wood in it during the summer.

actually the tinted windows cut out the sunlight and keep the car cooler. you would be better putting them in another vehicle that does not have tinted windows.
Also beware of dandelions that are near a drive way because the car exhaust does something that's bad. Doesn't sound like its a problem here but it's a warning I often hear on bird boards. Thought I'd mention it just in case.
Well, if that is the point of it. It doesn't do it's job. My car is always hotter inside it than my parents truck is, and is 2x hotter than it is outside.

I would think it would be hotter. Dark surfaces heat up faster. It doesn't work the same was as like shade from a tree, but moer like an oven in my opinion. Its as if we wore black long sleeve shirts out side. Your not cooler because your covered from the suns rays, but hotter because your absorbing the heat. The tinted windows just help limit the sun like let in, like sunglasses.
We tint vehicles at my job. My windows in my car have been tinted since I have been driving. I like the way it looks and the privacy factor BUT the purpose of tint is to cut out the amount of sun/uv rays that penetrate the glass.
Standard privacy tint on a factory vehicle is usually calculated at approximately 30%, which means it allows only 30% of the light in. Standard regular tinted glass (front doors and windshield) are somewhere between 80% & 90% which means it allows that much of the light in. A darker car both inside and out will be warmer than a lighter car and the interior material (cloth or leather) also plays a factor.

The point I was trying to make was that the tinted windows, whether they are doing their job or not, are designed to reduce sunlight. And sunlight is what you want to dry out wood or herbs or whatever.
you don't have to dry them out. I pick them from my yard (no pesticides or fertilizers used) and give them to my chins. One a week - the whole thing (leaves and flower)
I would just be careful as to how much and how often you give them. They are a diuretic and are often used as a detoxifier because they lessen the amount of fluid in the blood. Dandelions are also a laxitive and contain a fair amount of vitamin A and iron.

Just be careful not to over do it.
I was happy to run accross this thread! I tried the dandelion thing with Charlie and Inca........they loooved it! I gave each of them one and they chowed down! :)
With dandelions you have to watch out for chemicals from others around you. If someone in the area uses chemicals to kill weeds or any other chemicals for the yard and there is wind. The wind can actually carry the chemicals all over the area. That is why I prefer to buy organic dandelions from a whole seller.
Ill post a pic tomorrow! I have a yard full of dandelions, only one close neighbor who doesn't spray. We have apple trees that we also don't spray.

I'm going to go pick a ton and dehydrate them tomorrow. How long will they last, do you think? Should I freeze the excess?