Dandelion leaves

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Lovette's Kara

I have some organic dehydrated dandelion leaves (crushed) that I use to make myself tea. I gave a little bit to Tobi and I never saw him so happy to try something! He snatched it from me and ran off to his favorite ledge and gobbled it down!

I know that dandelion is okay, but how much and how often can I give it to him? I read on a link on another thread that it was okay, but all it said was "in moderation" but not really how much "In moderation" is...
I doubt there has ever been studies related so there is no firm answers. Use your best judgment. You do not want his intake of dandelion or any other treat or supplement to affect his normal eating habits. I would only give a good sized pinch every now and then. Use it in rotation with other healthy treats such as rosehips, oats, ect.
It is a diuretic so you don't want to go too crazy with it. I usually recommend just a pinch once a week. It does cleanse their liver and kidneys, and is a very healthy treat, but best given in moderation.
I find this interesting and I have also seen some selling herbs as supplements. I'm Greek so there are plenty of dried oregano, mint, basil, etc that my mom grows and dries. Is that the same as dehydrated? Would giving a small bit of that be safe? Not saying I am or will....just curious.
My chins are fed dandelion leaves every week along with other organic and natural herbs. Along with 5 different supplements.
I grow my own dandelions in my backyard, for the tort and other veg head lizards here... everything is organic... along with a few other herbs and greens, etc. . I also dry, or dehydrate, my own stuff (dehydrating is more for the moisture filled types of vegetation.. the term, I mean) ..and incorporate some of them into the Chin-kids' toys ...like lacing some dandelion through a slice of natural loofah, etc. ...and they LOVE it! :thumbsup:

I think there's ample moderation in the time it takes them to devour a loofah "cookie" ...but my kids are not loofah "cookie" monsters, either :) Maybe once every 7 days ..or 14 days, even... that seems like enough moderation, in my opinion, for an otherwise healthy chin'kid that consumes his/her necessary intake without issue.