Dad with 2 son?

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What is the likelyhood of being able to house my male with his 2 sons(after weining and quarinteen)? I have read it is extreamly hard to keep 2 males together let alone 3. Will being his offspring make a differance or should i just come to terms that it's not a very probable solution.
You won't know until you try. I have had four males together and it went well for a while and then there was some fluff flying one night so I separated them into pairs. I've also had a trio of males before with no issues and it wasn't until I added my fourth guy that things got difficult. Right now I'm preferring pairs of males but that doesn't mean a trio couldn't work, especially since the two are brothers and are already together. You really just have to give it a shot and see what happens. There's also various techniques for introducing chinchillas so you have a few methods to try.
I agree with Carol, you won't know until you try. What I do know and what I've been told is older chins seem to take to younger chins better--so the boys will still be babies when Dad gets them back as you can wean around 10--12 wks I believe. And as with any pairing make sure you keep a close eye on them and have them well supervised before ever leaving them completely alone and unattended.
Are the babies living in your home? If so, no need to quarantine them.

I was under the impression though that you shouldn't wean boys from mom as late as 12 weeks because of the possible risk of them mating with her. You'd have to wait for breeders to advise on that though.

But you can easily try and see if dad will get along with his sons.
I think it would be possible given that they are very young and the dad may actually like "taking care" of them. It depends on the dad's personality I think. When they get older you will just have to watch them carefully for any signs of discord.
It all depends, really. I have 4 boys living together, but they were all introduced very young... good luck. :)
Just wanted to stick my 2 cents in cause I know people have had success with males being together and its totally possible but I got 2 males that are brothers and were housed together since babies. I got them at 4 months and had them successful together until they were almost a year and then I had to separate due to fights. Probably depends on the chins personalities and all that. It's possible they will be just fine but you might want to think about if one or more fight you may end up having to house one by himself or even all three separately.

Also I have babies that are a 4 weeks old and I was told they should be weaning themselves off mom anywhere from 6-8 weeks of age. I don't know how much it varies from chin to chin but I know at that time I am going to have to make some decisions just like you will. I have to decide between neutering, housing the one male baby solo or see if my oldest male chin (7yrs) will take to him. Gotta be careful to not leave with mom too long, i think 12 weeks is in the gray zone?
I had a father and kit who were together since the kit was 5 weeks old, lasted 8 months before they tried to kill each other.
I have successfully reintroduced a father/son pair.
In the past I have noticed that males tend to do ok together as long as there are no females in the same home AND they have plenty of space to accomodate each chin AND there are multiple safe hiding places for one to retreat from a potential aggressor.
Good luck!
I had a litter of triplet males who all live together. They have been living together for two years now without any problems or aggression/dominance issues, even with females and other chins in the room. This is not the norm though!
I have 3 males living together 2 of them for over 1 1/2 years. I introduced the other male just last year. They are next to 3 females with a cardboard between 2 separate cages so far they are getting along (knock on wood, taps head). I guess it depends on the chins.
I may be just really lucky, but it is weird. I have never had trouble putting two or three males together at any age. But females are a different story for me. It goes well if they are young, but it hardly ever works out for me if they are older. I guess that old saying about two women living in the same house may just be true.