<---Apple Tree Enthusiast
What do people mean by 2nd cut, 3rd cut, etc. when it comes to hay? Does Oxbow have these 'cuts' available for Western Timothy? What are the differences between the cuts?
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I don't know if Oxbow sells the different cuts, but the difference in the cuts is how many times the stalk has been cut since planted.
For example, hay is planted. Then cut (that's first cut) then allowed to grow again before being cut (2nd cut) then allowed to grow yet again before being cut (3rd cut) and so on for as long as the season allows. I think it's usually just 3 cuts though before the season ends...
The difference in the cuts is, the farther into the season you get, the rougher the hay becomes for chins' teeth. If I recall correctly, your 2nd and 3rd cuts are better because they wear the chins' teeth down more.