cute video of noelle :]

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Blue Eternity

Heres a video of my little girl getting scritches. :] shes so cute... i just had to share!

:heart: grace + noelle
Too cute! Only one of my gang will go for those scratches. He also loves the armpit scratch. Gotta love those little half moon eye's when you reach the right spot.
thanks, everyone! shes kind of a success story. she was a chinchilla that would spray, bite, bark and do whatever she could to get people away from her cage. but with time and patience she loves being pet, she'll come up to me and climb all over me at playtime and sometimes I can even pick her up. so to all those who have a feisty chin and are losing hope; don't give up! where theres a will theres a way!!

:hearts: grace + noelle
I have 4 chins and only one of them will let me pet her like that!!!!
That is the best!!!!
I also love to stuff my nose on her belly when she is sitting up and give her belly kisses!!!!
Your little Noelle is a gorgeous colour as well!
Man, she totally soaks up those scritches! Both of our boys will head-tilt on occasion, but nothing quite like that!