Cut of Timothy Hay ? 1st,2nd, or 3rd ?

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What do you prefer, 1st, 2nd, or 3rd cut of Timothy hay and why ?
Thank you, Grace
I prefer 2nd and 3rd cuts. The chins love 3rd cut the best because it's leafier but I do like the fact that the 2nd cut is "stemmier" than 3rd and requires them to use their teeth more. I've never fed 1st cut but I imagine my chins would waste most of it...
My chins also like the 3rd cut best, I keep alternating between 2nd and 3rd cut. With 2nd cut they leave a lot of it, with the 3rd cut they usually eat every little piece of it.

My "kids" like third cut best, However, Although I vary different types of hays, was concerned about their teeth - Just interested, still interested, in different opinions - I much appreciate both of you responding ! Welcome more ! Thank you ! Grace
I use 3rd cut and all the furries seem to love it. I feel like it has less waste, a beautiful rich green color and great aroma. Sometimes I think it smells so good, I wonder if I would like it :) I buy 25 pounds at a time from Kleenmama's hayloft!!
Thanks all !
And to Clarinuto, that is where I purchased my 3rd cut - Told her all I needed to add was salad dressing ! :)
Haha it's so true. I had thought that Oxbow's hay was nice, but when I got it from Kleenmama's I was amazed and ever since then, I am a loyal customer!