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Animal Lover <3
Jun 30, 2012
Albany, Oregon
I am 15 and my mom just bought me a chinchilla from a breeder. My parents are divorced and I was wondering if transporting her from home to home every other week would be too stressful? And if I can what would be best, 2 seperate cages? 1 portable cage? I can come to my moms house whenever I want but I know they require care and play everyday so I was just going to take it with me but idk? :hmm: Thoughts and opinions would help. Thanks :)
I would have two cage set ups rather than a portable cage, unless you can find a decent sized one. It won't hurt to travel with him/her (?) every other weekend as long as you have air conditioning in both places, a good cage set up, a safe area to keep your chin, etc.
It will be fun for you to have a buddy back and forth. I agree about two cage set-ups. Unless your chin is especially fearful he/she shouldn't be phased.
Also, besides what has already been mentioned, are your parents in the same area? I'm thinking you need to make sure you have a good exotics vet ready to go in both areas if they live a long distance apart...
They only live 10 minutes away from eachother. Both cars and houses are air conditioned and there's an exotic animal vet down town.
maybe the car bonding method of 2chin in a car will work with chin + human =D???
personaly when i have to travel. (for a weekend once a month) i bring my chins with. they dont mind at all. i have a "travel cage" but its really a big rabbit cage/hutch that the get to spend the car ride in/ the trip in. i also bring thier playpen with me. they do quite well with my trips. I always make sure tht i have the airconditioning on for them.

my chillas like the trips because it means they get extra play time every day. :)
i have a "travel cage" but its really a big rabbit cage/hutch that the get to spend the car ride in/ the trip in.

it's safer to have your chins in a small carrier in the car. if you had to stop fast with them in a rabbit cage, they'd be likely to be thrown around, and that could cause some serious injuries. you could use the rabbit cage to carry their supplies, and then have them in a small, safe carrier.
That is great that the travel time is minimal. I agree that your chin shouldn't be bothered in the least and should travel in a small carrier. I would have a cage in each house, since I personally think it is a pain to try to break down one cage just to set it up back up, etc. You may find that your chin is a bit skittish after each move, though. If the cages are set up in a quiet area of the house, your chin will probably adjust to the new environment faster.
It isn't possible for me to get identical cages in each home right now. Is that a must or just something that would help with settling in?
it's safer to have your chins in a small carrier in the car. if you had to stop fast with them in a rabbit cage, they'd be likely to be thrown around, and that could cause some serious injuries. you could use the rabbit cage to carry their supplies, and then have them in a small, safe carrier.

hm i hadnt thought of that. . ill have to fix that. thanks for pointing that out :)
identical cages are not a must at all. as long as both cages have sufficient space for the chins to live comfortably, that's what matters. bringing along a favourite tube or house would help, as their smell would be all over it. you could keep that rabbit cage set up at one place, and their other cage at the other, and just use a carrier to bring them back and forth.
Just like everyone told you are chinchilla club, taking a chinchilla to different houses every two weeks is way too much and extreme heat that is going on across the country is not good to keep exposing your chinchilla to. And the stress of moving him isn't fair to your chinchilla. Didn't you also say on chin club that your dad doesn't want animals in the house? A chinchilla is a lot of responsibility not like a cat where cats just do what they want and can roam indoors/outdoors. Chinchillas need
Dust baths every few days. New food each day. Fresh hay if you have a picky one and exercise everyday for at least an hour especially if you ever want to bond with it.
I have to disagree with the above post and agree with the rest. It would be fine to bring your chin with you to both of your parents houses, I think it's a great idea, actually! From what I've heard from other members, chins do fine on road trips, a 10 minute ride would be nothing. The heat could be a concern, but I'm sure you have that covered already.

Becca, at Chin Club she said her dad wouldn't take care the chin like she wants, not that he didn't want pets in the house.
play time out of the cage/exercise has nothing to do with bonding with your chin. the best bonding happens when your chin is in their cage and you are getting it used to you/comfortable with you.

i would say, as long as the air conditioning in the vehicle you are transporting them in is reliable, and there is air conditioning at both homes, there should be no issue at all with moving the chins back and forth. they may take a little time to adapt to it, but they shouldn't have any issue with going back and forth after a while.

I think this is a great idea to take your new little best friend with you. I was separated from my husband for about six months some years back.
During that time I bought my children each a tiny little kitten, and when they visited their dad they took the kittens with them....feed bowls, cages etc. It was fun packing and it provided a link to both houses.

We still have those cats and they are the friendliest cats in the whole world. No reason it couldn't work for chins. I don't think you should be too paranoid about identical cages...maybe try to keep the conditions similar. For example, if you sleep in the same room with your chin at your moms then do the same at your dads.

I am so excited for you to have this new adventure with your baby chin. I just got two babies...I don't even know how old they are but I am besotted.

Lots of luck to you hon!
Just like everyone told you are chinchilla club, taking a chinchilla to different houses every two weeks is way too much and extreme heat that is going on across the country is not good to keep exposing your chinchilla to. And the stress of moving him isn't fair to your chinchilla. Didn't you also say on chin club that your dad doesn't want animals in the house? A chinchilla is a lot of responsibility not like a cat where cats just do what they want and can roam indoors/outdoors. Chinchillas need
Dust baths every few days. New food each day. Fresh hay if you have a picky one and exercise everyday for at least an hour especially if you ever want to bond with it.

I have had 19 chins, most either rescues or ranchies, all have traveled every day for 12 years at least 30 min to work m-f and on weekends its a 1 1/2 hour drive, chinchillas do not stress out on trips or going to other locations its a myth.