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So my 10 month old male is quite the spunky one, but today when I was in my room with my stepmom she let the dog in, and I figured as long as she didn't bark or mess with him it'd be alright. Well, she walked by the cage and found no interest in Kingston, but to my surprise he was at the doors of his cage reaching out as far as he could trying to grab the dog! I called the dog out because I didn't want her to begin to take interest in him, but how weird he wanted to run right up and grab her. I would have thought he'd have been scared, but so far he's been fearless and not skittish at all.

**the cage was closed btw I would never leave the doors open with the dog in the room**
My Carmen loves trying to play with our cat, Kahlua. She will always run to the side of the cage Lou is sitting on and reach for her. We never let them play together, but a fearless chin inside a cage may not be a bad thing... just make sure they don't start touching or playing rough!
My one chin used to play with my dogs through the cage. She thought it was the best game ever. She would put her little nose through and wait for my chihuahua to come and sniff her and then run to a different part of the cage and do the same thing. it was cute!
My chin loves to go to my cats and touch noses through the playpen. But it's funny, as interested as my chin is in socializing with my cats, my cats actually stay back away from her pen because she makes them nervous. I would never trust my cats with my chin, but my chin definitely thinks she is dominate over the cats!
What's funny in Kenai's case is that he's totally comfortable with us, but is completely terrified of our hamster! Even if she just rolls by the cage in her ball, off he goes hiding and sending out warning calls! The hamster, on the other hand, is afraid of nothing...
What's funny in Kenai's case is that he's totally comfortable with us, but is completely terrified of our hamster! Even if she just rolls by the cage in her ball, off he goes hiding and sending out warning calls! The hamster, on the other hand, is afraid of nothing...

hhahahaa that is too funny!!! Yeah Kingston hasn't been afraid of anything, not the kids, not the dog, not new people, he wants to climb on everyone and everything! That's sooo funny about your hamster lol
That's too funny. My cats are allowed in the room with the chins, and the dog is not. I can't trust the dog, but the cats are hilarious. In the beginning the cats would rub themselves against the chin cages and they found out very quickly that leaving their tails up against the cages meant for either some hair pulling or a bite from the chins. Ha ha ha. Anytime the cats go near the cages the chins go nuts reaching for and trying to get the attention of the cats. The cats are also hilarious when the chins are out. The cats really want to go sniff and paw at the chins, but the fearless chins go running right for the cats and make the cats go running in every direction to get away from the tiny little chins. Ha ha ha. Of course I supervise every single second and I'll put the disclaimer that my cats aren't really cats anyhow, so they can be totally trusted, although I don't allow them to play together unless i'm there and watching.
Bambi will sit on her shelf and make noise to attract the cats. Once they come over to see her, she stands up and pees in their faces. She is such an ornery little girl.
That's not very nice Bambi. It sounds like she wants some attention, but then when she gets it, she dosen't want it. Ha ha ha. They all have separate personalities don't they. - Jessica
My dog is very curious about the chins. She jumps by their cage to get a closer look. My older chin is very interested in my dog, always sticks his nose out and trys to "meet" my dog. My newer chin is a spaz and just jumps around his cage. But neither of the chins flinch when she barks. I guess they are just used to it.
My chins' cage is 2-1/2 feet high off the floor and has the bedding/poo guards that stick out about 8" from the cage, so our pug can't get too close even if he jumped cuz he's a little dog. But with my other chin who passed, his cage was on the floor and the 2 of them would rub noses every single morning, it was very cute and very sad when he passed because my pug would go to the spot where his cage was and just sniff around :(