Never hear or tried that, but looking at the ingredients it doesn't really sound that good, not terrible, but not good. Chins really shouldn't have fruits, vegetables, or seeds, and this has peas, I'm guessing "vegetal origin sub-product" is vegetable by product, cranberries, and sunflower husks and oil. The protein seems a bit low, but not that much. I wouldn't be too concerned about fiber content since most of the fiber in a chin's diet should come from their hay (which should make up about 75% of their diet). Most chin pellets are around 16-18% minimum, I wouldn't go below 15% though.
Another option if chin food is hard to come by is trying rabbit food if they have it. Several people feed their chins high quality rabbit food, like
manna pro foods or
Purina rabbit chow, for examples. I realize you are unlikely to find those foods there but you can look at the ingredients and values to compare to what you do have.