Critical care for weight gain?

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Can a chin be fed Critical Care as part of their diet just to help gain weight? I know that chins are supposed to gain weight slowly, not rapidly. After some previous health problems she lost a lot of weight and I've been watching her to see how long it takes to get back to her previous weight. She's eating, drinking, pooping, playing fine, I just want to try to get her back up into the high 700s. If I did give it as a supplement for her to eat as she wants it, will she stop eating her pellets and prefer the critical care?

Or is there something else I can give her to help encourage healthy weight gain? Thanks for any opinions :)
The most effective way for herbivores to get the needed nutrients is through organic/plant sources. They contain the intrinsic vitamin and mineral complexes. Plants bond nutrient molecules to phytochemicals, amino acids, lipids, the result is bioavailable form of nutrients that animal's body can use through numerous pathways.

Nutrients from synthetic sources are not that easily absorbed, making the liver and kidneys work really hard to eliminate excess. I recommend offering some quality alfalfa hay, I love oxbow alfalfa and some herbs (nettle, dandelion, red clover, rose hips, hibiscus), blossoms, roots + tiny occasional pinch of cold pressed ground flaxseed. I say ground because this way enzymes get a better access to the beneficial flax's components. These herbs improve nutrient absorption, help to gain weight.

You can buy several organic herbs and make your own supplement or you can get one
Critical care will not harm your chin. I doubt that your chin will stop eating pellets and hay if you give only a small amount. However, I think that you'll get a better result offering organic herbs and loose alfalfa hay. This way your chinnie also wear down teeth properly, teeth wear also affects the absorption of some minerals.

Hope you find it useful.
Ok, thanks for the advice. That supplement looks yummy. How much is in the bag? Is there a problem if I am already giving Lifeline 1-2x per week as well?

I think I was told that alfalfa hay is richer and can help if poos are a bit small. Will giving alfalfa regularly give them softer poos if they are already on an alfalfa pellet?

Net weight is 5.64 oz. There will be no interaction with Life Line. Nature's Broad Spectrum Supplement contains nutritive herbs. It's designed to help herbivores meet nutritional requirements, prevent and correct any nutritional imbalances and deficiencies.
Chins just devour it. The description section has more info.

It's safe to offer some alfalfa hay in addition to timothy and other grass hays. Even if pellets are alfalfa based, chins benefit greatly from quality alfalfa hay. Anything powdered, chopped finely looses nutrients fast. Alfalfa hay is actually recommended for recuperating chinchillas as they have higher protein needs. Alfalfa promotes weight gain, stimulates the appetite.

In general, one of the main aspects of critical care nutrition is adequate protein levels. Post surgical, sick, recuperating animals can face protein energy malnutrition, in a catabolic state animals utilize the skeletal muscle proteins.