Creatures of Habit??? Or Adaptable??

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Chin Slave
Mar 16, 2009
New Jersey
Just wondering if chinchillas are more of creatures of habit or if they like change??? I just rearranged and changed up both of my boys cages and one of them really seems unhappy and the other is kinda just exploring. This is the first time I have done this in a long while but I am trying to prepare them for the move to the new HUGE cage my fiancee' is building for them.
Any suggestions from those with experience?? Thanks.

I tried rearranging 2 of my boys' cage once and they HATED it! Cheeko barked on and off for over an hour while he huddled on a corner ledge at the top of the cage. I think they "learn" the layout of their cage and kind of memorize it...they know exactly how far each jump is, etc. so they can navigate more easily around the cage. When I rearranged their cage it threw everything off.

I also have 3 boys in another cage that I divided when I first got them. About a week ago I made a doorway in the top level floor so they could utilize the entire cage. One of them didn't like it and the other 2 were fine. I guess each chin is different...some like change and others don't.
I don't know, I think they can adapt. I like to switch up my chin's cages every once in a while to keep them from getting too bored. It gives them new ways to jump and explore.
I just know that when I worked at the aquarium it was important to give the animals new things to do and change up their exhibits to prevent them from getting too bored. I can't see how a chin in a cage is any different.
So while they may not initially seem too excited about it, I would imagine they'd get over it.
Wow, from my experience they love change! I move shelfs around and add ledges all the time, and they really seem to enjoy it. They love to explore and check out new things, at least all mine do!
I think it just depends on the chinchilla. My boys generally like it when I switch things around and are very curious to see what's new and what's going on; they're very nosy. I've read that others' chinchillas do not like things to be changed and get upset if things are moved around.

I do have the one boy (Pip) who will toss certain things off the ledge if he doesn't want it there. I've seen him toss pillows, hay cubes, big loofah circles and wood chunks down to the bottom of the cage. Just for fun I'll put something back up and then he'll toss it right back down. He's fun to tease. :p
Wow, from my experience they love change! I move shelfs around and add ledges all the time, and they really seem to enjoy it. They love to explore and check out new things, at least all mine do!

Well, we all know that MY chins are just spoiled brats anyway :laughitup:
In general chins are known as MAJOR creatures of habit. One rancher used to joke that when the animals did bad at a show they fed them in reverse order cause it ticked them off. On big ranches they can easily see a drop of in births 111 days after something different or out of the ordinary happens. For people who let their chins out to run, it is also common for them to run right into something if the layout of the room has changed.
my little girl loves it when i move her toys's as though she rediscovers them lol!!! she gets so excited and starts to investigate and snoop around...its so cute...she notices everything though can't fool her...she knows excatly what has been changed...i have read that chinnies have amazing memories and that is how they navigate around...i have definitely seen that in my i can understand why some chinnies might feel disoriented...but my chinny seems to love it..
I think it just depends on the chinchilla. My boys generally like it when I switch things around and are very curious to see what's new and what's going on; they're very nosy. I've read that others' chinchillas do not like things to be changed and get upset if things are moved around.

I do have the one boy (Pip) who will toss certain things off the ledge if he doesn't want it there. I've seen him toss pillows, hay cubes, big loofah circles and wood chunks down to the bottom of the cage. Just for fun I'll put something back up and then he'll toss it right back down. He's fun to tease. :p

hahahaha that's hilarious!!! oh PiP!!! what a character!!!
As most said it depends on the chin - however I think all chins will adapt eventually - Or they will (as some of mine do) rearrange everthing to where they thinks things should be
I know you can get the chins into a habit. For example, having feeding time or treat time or play time at the same time each day, they come to expect it. Also I used to have a light on by their cage, and once I turned it off, the boys did their warning calls all night long, so they didn't like that change much at all.

But any additions to their cages - be it toys or houses or fleece items, they love. They act like it's Christmas everytime they get something new in their cage. It's real cute.
I agree, I like to change up the cage every one in a while to keep Binx stimulated. However chins do keep a schedule of when feeding time is, etc.
hahahaha that's hilarious!!! oh PiP!!! what a character!!!
A character he is for sure!

I believe that chinchillas are both creatures of habit and adaptable as well, but are also very curious by nature and do seem to enjoy new things to explore. I have a routine that I do with my guys every evening at approximately the same time and they have become accustomed to it and if I don't follow the routine they get all out of sorts.

It usually goes something like this: At about six o'clock I head downstairs into their room and I think the sound of my footsteps and pulling back the metal door (extra security to keep the cats from playing with the handle) and flipping on the light and saying: "hi guys!" gets them all excited and ready wanting like crazy to come out.

When I'm done for the night and they need to go back in, all I have to do is make a motion of getting up and going towards the oat/rose hip container and whichever pair is out at the time will bolt right into their cage and sit there anxiously awaiting their treat. When all four would play together, all four of them would run in their cage when I got the container, but they're in pairs now.

Some nights when I have to cut the playtime short, I just reach for the oats and away they go. It doesn't seem to matter how long they are out for and has more to do with the routine of getting out, playing and going back in for oats which signals goodnight.

When I check on them in the morning, kinda the same thing but they're all very sleepy and have a hard time keeping their eyes open but they usually manage to say hi and back to sleep they go. Except Pip, he often will look more awake than the rest and will let me give him scritches and play with his feet. :)
Well I changed AND moved his hammock and i havent seen him in it yet! :(
He isnt making any noises so i guess he is adjusting, but if i dont see him in his hammock in a week, I guess i will have to put it back.........he needs his sleep!!
My other boy wants nothing to do with the hammock, but I put fleece liner on the top shelf & he loves it!
Once I get them into their new cage, they will have to get used to that set up!!