Creative for my Chinny!

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Active member
May 2, 2013
Hello, just wanted to let ya'll know that through this place I have been inspired to get a little creative for my little Sparta, and have taken to stitching an old shirt that he stole to a pillow for him. To be fair it was my fault for leaving laundry out, but he seems to love it! Anyway, I wanted to see if anyone else has gotten crafty for their babies?


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It's great to be creative! Be careful, the only recommended fabric for chins is fleece, as others can unravel and be eaten or pose dangers causing injuries from getting tangled, etc.
Oh! I will keep that in mind, he just loves that shirt but I will start looking into getting some fleece :) Thanks!
Just got some Fleece and am working on re-making his pillow - had no idea how difficult it is with my little sewing machine to work through Fleece, time for some hand stitching!
Very cool Karaliynn :)

I myself became a little creative this past week or so and made a star out of wood by using a scroll saw. Drilled some holes in it and stuffed oats at the bottom. Indy chews the heck out of it and is thrilled to get a treat at the end!
Oh that sounds super cool! Here is a pic of my finished product, I had to take it from Sparta for a few minutes and he is upset with me, nothing a few chin scratches won't fix!


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awesome! heres a pic of the hidey hole heart i created


and i made my friend a wood piece of her bird (lol I tried) and Indy (my chilla) he was bigger but I kept messing up so I cut him down smaller. haha
