Crazy New Girl

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Well-known member
Sep 27, 2010
I just took in a new pair. Male/female I was told the female is too old to get pregnant...yeah ok. But no one could tell me the ages on the either one. One or both are fur chewers. The male is missing the most amount of fur, all the way up to the top of his head. Now that they are separated we will see if his grows back. The male is a sweetie, loves to be handled and is doing wonderful.

The female on the other hand....She barks, kacks and makes all kinds of noise anytime the door to the room is opened, she stands up on her hind legs and if I get too close to her I get sprayed, multiple times, she even lunges and tries to bite. It took me forever to get the male out of her cage because he hid behind her. She constantly has the stink eye look and I swear if she could escape her cage I might not be alive anymore lol. I use a towel to ward off the pee while feeding her and I will eventually be getting her out to hold her and work with her some. The first day I offered a treat and she sprayed my hand then ran over to take a cheerio and run away kacking, the whole time she was eating it she was standing on her hind legs and kept moving so she was aimed right at my face.

I've got my work cut out for me with this any suggestions on "taming" the wild beast would be greatly appreciated.
Here are a couple pictures, they are very bad pics as I can't find my camera and my phone camera has water damage so the pictures turn out dark and shadowy like this....the one sitting on the shelf is the male the one standing up aiming at my face is the female.


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Best thing to start with would be time. Give em plently.

When i took in my male he was kinda nasty. Now he is the most lovable outa of all my chins. And my first female, wasnt nearly as nasty as yours, but she was feircly independent. Laying a finger on her was out of the question. Nearly 2 years later shes actuly starting to become personable. (amazing what living with two daughters does to a mom)

And dont forget about their past. Their may be something back then before you got them, that was very unfriendly to them. So it could be something learned from their living arangments. Its always hard to tell whm you no little/none about their past. (I didnt no anyhting about my males, and very little about my females)
I'm soo glad someone posted this question - I too acquired a beautiful violet female of unknown age and background. She has been treating me the same way. None of my other chins exhibited this behavior for any length of time. I can't give her a dust bath without being sprayed; I can't give her food without being sprayed; some days I can't walk by her cage without being sprayed.
We're now going on 3 weeks. Hopefully she'll come around soon.
I have a little girl here that was scared of her own shadow when she came to me three or four months ago. She would kack charge at me for looking at her or even being in the same room. If I reached into the cage, she would bite hard enough to draw blood and then run around in a blind panic. I must have been bit by her at least 25 times. I wasn't about to give up on her though. It isn't her fault she is scared, it was the fault of the previous owner for letting her 4 kids chase the poor thing around the cage all the time. She is still terrified of kids, but she no longer bites or goes into her blind panics when adults handle her. She is the sweetest little thing when you hold her and she is proof that patience and love will eventually bring a scared chin around.
Give her lots of time and don't push it. I got a black velvet girl last October and she sprayed me if I opened the door to her cage. Toward the end of December she became more friendly and allowed me to give her a scritch under her chin. She decided she liked it. Now she begs for scritches and will let me scritch for as long as I want to. She totally relaxes and lets me scritch under her front legs and anywhere on her front end I want. She's a real sweetheart.
We've made some progress..... I can now sit in front of her cage with my hand in there without getting sprayed. She started with spraying me and when I didn't go away decided to investigate. If I moved my hand she would spray me again and run the other opposite side kacking and chattering her teeth. After only a week she is now letting me move my hand around the cage with just teeth chattering, I can touch her (secretly she likes a scritch under her chin for a second or two...but don't tell anyone ;) ), and she doesn't kack at me when I walk into the room anymore. If I move too fast I do get sprayed and if I do something she doesn't like (continue scritchs longer then 2 seconds) she pushes me away and chatters her teeth at me.

The only thing I can't do with her is pick her up. I have her sitting on my hand and can scritch her but if my hand goes to pick her up she tries to bite and she goes for blood. So my thought is she was hurt or scared while being picked up or held at some point in time, though I will never really know unless she learns to speak english or I learn to speak chinny lol