cool mist humidifier

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Well-known member
Jun 7, 2010
In a previous post i told ya'll that my baby had croop and what can I do to prevent my chin from getting sick.
Well today I took him to the doc and she said he sounds better and is no longer congagious * sorry spelling * But she recommend that we use a cool mist humidifer. Since both my baby and chin are in my room is it ok to run the humidifier or should i move her out to the living room while we are using it?
hmm .. I think if its mist the chin shouldnt be there when its on and should probably stay out when the air in the room is damp at all. I would think it would make the fur damp and im not sure about anything respiratory wise so someone with more knowledge on that will tell you better.
I'm not positive either. I think it would depend on how "humidified" the room was to get. Cause there's that formula that like temperature + humidity can't be above a certain number... I don't know it off my head cause our chin room's always freezing, but I think it would depend on if the temp+ humidity was over what it should be. I think.

I'd personally go with the 'just to be safe' route and move the chin cage out of the room for that period of time. I would think that even if the temp+ humidity was low enough, too much humidity and the chin would start to look/feel damp.
I definitely would move the chin. Before I got Atlas I got a thermometer that read humidity in my room as well because that's where I was going to keep him for quarantine. We had had a cool mist humidifier running there for just a couple of days recently and when I checked the humidity in my room it was almost 10% higher than the office where I keep Jemma and Zim, which is down the hall not even 10 feet away. So yeah, better to be safe than sorry.