Dear Lord, I have the same problem.
My neighbor came over to visit my mom and I had my Mousey out, and her son(3) of course, fell in love with him. WELL, we got into talking about chinchillas, and I told her 'Yea, I'm getting rid of Mousey. I have too many chins, and not enough cages.' And she said 'oh.. well I have a cage at my house.. I could take him off your hands.' (Now note: The cage is hardly 2 feet by 1) And I had a flashback of all of the pets she previously had. I won't go into details, but she let her dog out one day and stood on her deck as her dog ran away from home. WOW.
Anyway... tell her to do the research. Common chinchilla injuries/illnesses. Their diets. The costs of supplies AND vet bills MONTHLY. The time she needs to dedicate(which you already did).. she'll lose interest right away. Chinchillas are cute and fuzzy, but are a LOT of work. ESPECIALLY for someone who travels a lot.
good luck!:wink2:
Sorry, didn't notice the last comment.
Well, glad you talked her out of it. I hope for the best with the fish. :hilarious: