Convicted murderer gets a field trip and escapes

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why would they let someone with a "history of escape" out for a day at the fair!

The real question is.. What rights does any killer have to go to the fair? Since when do murderer get field trips! :hair: I definitely post this to my online crime class and see what they think!
That's totally insane! I hope that he doesn't hurt anyone. What in the world were they thinking? If he's that crazy and not taking his medication, then that's scary. I'm glad I don't live around there. I hope they get him fast. And like Melissa said why should he be able to go on field trips? Regaurdless if he committed the crime due to mental illness or not, he's still a murderer! Definitely a bad call on someones part.
And to not notify authorities of the feild trip or of the escape untill 2 hours later. Sounds like the people who planned it need to get fired because now all of the public in that area is in danger because of thier poor decision making skills
Convicted murderer gets a field trip and escapes
He wasn't convicted, he was committed. He was was found not guilty due to insanity.

in which psychiatrist Frank Hardy testified about Paul. "He's the only paranoid schizophrenic - I've seen hundreds, maybe thousands of them - that frightened me," said Hardy.

Ok, that statement scares me. Technically, seeing he is in EHS, he has a lot more liberty than a convicted person would. That's just frightening.
Just saw on the news that they FINALLY found him in Goldendale,WA
There are just SO many things wrong with this. First, it sounds like he's in day camp, not high security. As Tara said, that psychiatrist's statement is just scarey as heck. He has a MySpace page where he is allowed to post pictures! Oh, and did I mention he has cash so that when he escapes, he can go out and buy the things he needs to survive?

I'm sure the citizens of the fine state of Washington feel totally safe now.