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I have a 6 yr old male who has gotten constipated about three times in the last 2 years. The last time was about 6 weeks ago. It seems to last about 7-10 days. He poops some but not a lot. This last time I took him to the Vet. He is concerned about a blockage and took xrays ( waiting to hear now). I would think that if it were a blockage he would not return to normal as he has the last two times. If it is, the Vet says surgery is needed. The nearest place for me is the university of Pennsylvania. They are very expensive. Vet said one to two thousand dollars. I can't afford that. Is there other alternatives. Are other Vets cheaper? Help please
where do you live? what do you feed him? and also have you read around the forum for ideas on how to deal with gi issues?
Lets start with diet, what do you feed for pellets, hay, treats ANYTHING he chews on!

Is he eating like usual? Drinking plenty of water?
I live in Moorestown, nj He gets pelletes for Chins he eats hay timothy and sometomes orchard grass from the pet supply. He drinks ok. It's getting serious now he hasn't had more thaan three or four poops in two days. I'm started giving him a laxative from the Vet last night.
I live in Moorestown,NJ. He gets pellets for chuns eats hay timothy or orchard grass a dried apricot or papya for treat. occasional raisin. It is getting serious now he has only expelled about three poops in 2 days. i started giving him laxative from the Vet yesterday.
my vet moved to the Banfield inside Petsmart in Depford. her name is dr janice goode and she is very good with chins. just make sure the vet you are using is an exotic specialist or has worked with chins in the past.

i would be very careful of the laxative with chins, you really need to give them teeny tiny small doses of anything.