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What can you give a chin with constipation to help promote healthy bowel movements
Chins should not get constipation. If a chin is not pooing it's often bloat which is deadly to a chin. If your chin is not pooing you need to get your chin to the vet ASAP. Otherwise for a healthy chin diet you need to feed quality pellets and lots of good hay. Most quality pellets are alfalfa bases pellets so you want to feed timothy hay. Good feeds are Oxbow, Tradition, Nutrena Rabbit, Purina Rabbit, or Mazuri
I did go to the vet, that is the thing.
But I have learned that I cannot fully trust that one because she suggested giving a little bit of leafy lettuce for constipation

I am introducing him to oxbow today
Good job, the oxbow will help I'm sure. I know how frustrating it is when vets really don't know much about chins and they recommend fresh fruits and veggies which is a no no. As long as your doing a good pellet and hay for the fiber I'm sure your chin will be a poo factory!
You have a health issue going on right now, a very serious one. I'm sorry, but in my opinion, now is not the best time to be introducing a chin to a new food. Your chin is already going to be fighting to have a bowel movement because of the testicle issue. Aggravating it with a new food is just not a great idea.

What kind of pellet is he on now? Do you provide lots of fresh timothy hay?
If your chin is not eating/drinking you need to start hand feeding. Your chin should also get quality, fresh hay (timothy, orchard grass, meadow, bluegrass). You can give some alfalfa hay as well. Provision of alfalfa is actually recommended for chins who suffer from constipation. Alfalfa is a very gentle laxative, it contains a good amount of magnessium that helps relieve constipation.

Canned pumpkin (not pumpkin filling) is a great source of fiber. It can soften the stool and promote it's passage (can be mixed with syringe feed). Gentle abdominal massage (circular downwards motion towards the anus) helps stimulate peristalsis. Avoid giving any sugary treats.

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You have a health issue going on right now, a very serious one. I'm sorry, but in my opinion, now is not the best time to be introducing a chin to a new food. Your chin is already going to be fighting to have a bowel movement because of the testicle issue. Aggravating it with a new food is just not a great idea.

What kind of pellet is he on now? Do you provide lots of fresh timothy hay?

Agreed- from what I gathered from your last post, the consitpation is being caused by the testicle issue, not by diet or something else. You need to get that issue fixed first before you start messing with his diet. Now is not a good time to be transitioning him. Hopefully once his testicle is fixed, he won't be constipated.