Constant dry, hard poops

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I bite.
Jan 29, 2009
Indianapolis, IN
A bit of background: a few months ago, one of my chins had an impaction due to a piece of plastic. The impaction was eventually passed and multiple sets of x-rays have confirmed that there is nothing left in his system. However, I have noticed this problem before and after the impaction.

Smudge has bouts of what I assume is constipation for no apparent reason. He still poops, but he will have days that his poops are very hard, dark (pretty much black in color) and somewhat malformed. They are usually skinny with a few pinched areas is the best I can describe it. More often than not his poops will look like this rather than the 'normal' chin poop.

He drinks from his water bottle fine, eats his Oxbow pellets, and usually eats a hand full of hay every night, though not as much as my others. He is otherwise a healthy energetic chin.

Does anyone have any ideas what would cause a chin to be prone to constipation? I have started mixing him up Life Line, Critical Care, and Essentials of Life every morning which he loves. I thought maybe it would help clear up the constipation somewhat, and he laps it up like it is candy so I figured it couldn't hurt. Is there anything else I could give him?
I also thought I'd add that I give him an acidophilus capsule (broken open of course) over a pinch of rose hips every other day. Doesn't seem to help.
I give my old man Dante 10ml of CC every morning by syringe, as he got older I noticed he was also having smaller dry poo and since he has been on that for a couple of years it did not come back.
Thanks Dawn. I'll have to keep giving him his Lifeline/CC/Essentials of Life slurry every morning and see if it helps clear the issue up over time. I'm sure he won't mind..he freaks out now when he sees me getting the packs out and literally attacks the syringe he loves it so much.
Maybe also try another variety of hay to see if he might like one better? The added moisture in the cc will help, as would added fiber ( hay)
I just ordered some bluegrass today along with 3rd cut timothy. I have tried orchard, brome, oat, botanical and meadow but haven't tried bluegrass yet. He didn't seem very interested in the others that I have tried..hopefully he'll like the bluegrass.
I had bluegrass before & my boys loved it.

I know you dont like to give a lot of treats but sometimes when i notice smaller poop i give my boys a goji berry.
my new rehomes had tiny poop. i saw a gradual improvement. But the other day I noticed almost completely normal poops. I was surprised.

Yep, goji berries. I did good without knowing. :thumbsup: