Ok, So when I got my chinchillas, they were surrendered ot the rescue in trios (1 set of 2 females & 1 male, all housed together) and a set of 2 males & 1 female, all housed together. I have since seperated everyone, had 2 babies born to the female out of trio # 2... and I believe both of the other females may be pregnant.
So, when I got them, they were all on some pretty crappy food.
Trio # 1 was on food with colored pieces, and upon investigating, I believe it was Kaytee guinea pig chow (not sure though)
and Trio # 2 was on Hartz guinea pig mix with lots of seeds & junk in it...
I cold switched all 6 to Oxbow. I chose oxbow with my first trio, and less than 2 weeks later, ended up with the second trio. I LOVE oxbow foods, they do well on it, but...
I have a VERY hard time finding oxbow in my area, and it's ridiculous! I am paying $28 for a 10lb bag, and go through this every 2 weeks...
and lately, they have been picking it out & throwing it, and I simply can't afford to spend THAT much on food for them to waste...
SOO....I have been reading & see that the Purina rabbit chow is highly reccomended (I see the show seems to be the most recomended?)
I also saw Mazuri recomended, and I saw that there is a difference in opinions due to it causing loose stool in some animals, I fed mazuri years ago when I had my first 2 chinchillas...but that store went out of business, and it's not carried in this area now....
I was in TSC today & saw the new bags of Purina rabbit chow show (which I believe are blue?), and I saw a bag of manna pro, but didn't pay much attention..should i be looking for manna pro rabbit chow? or do they make chinchilla food.
What would the suggestions be to switch them over to? I hate leavin the oxbow, but I hate driving over 100 miles to get it also, and paying ridiculous prices for it...
There is so much conflicting info, I am super confused! LOL :wacko:
So, when I got them, they were all on some pretty crappy food.
Trio # 1 was on food with colored pieces, and upon investigating, I believe it was Kaytee guinea pig chow (not sure though)
and Trio # 2 was on Hartz guinea pig mix with lots of seeds & junk in it...
I cold switched all 6 to Oxbow. I chose oxbow with my first trio, and less than 2 weeks later, ended up with the second trio. I LOVE oxbow foods, they do well on it, but...
I have a VERY hard time finding oxbow in my area, and it's ridiculous! I am paying $28 for a 10lb bag, and go through this every 2 weeks...
and lately, they have been picking it out & throwing it, and I simply can't afford to spend THAT much on food for them to waste...
SOO....I have been reading & see that the Purina rabbit chow is highly reccomended (I see the show seems to be the most recomended?)
I also saw Mazuri recomended, and I saw that there is a difference in opinions due to it causing loose stool in some animals, I fed mazuri years ago when I had my first 2 chinchillas...but that store went out of business, and it's not carried in this area now....
I was in TSC today & saw the new bags of Purina rabbit chow show (which I believe are blue?), and I saw a bag of manna pro, but didn't pay much attention..should i be looking for manna pro rabbit chow? or do they make chinchilla food.
What would the suggestions be to switch them over to? I hate leavin the oxbow, but I hate driving over 100 miles to get it also, and paying ridiculous prices for it...
There is so much conflicting info, I am super confused! LOL :wacko: