Considering switching foods, need advice

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Ok, So when I got my chinchillas, they were surrendered ot the rescue in trios (1 set of 2 females & 1 male, all housed together) and a set of 2 males & 1 female, all housed together. I have since seperated everyone, had 2 babies born to the female out of trio # 2... and I believe both of the other females may be pregnant.

So, when I got them, they were all on some pretty crappy food.
Trio # 1 was on food with colored pieces, and upon investigating, I believe it was Kaytee guinea pig chow (not sure though)

and Trio # 2 was on Hartz guinea pig mix with lots of seeds & junk in it...

I cold switched all 6 to Oxbow. I chose oxbow with my first trio, and less than 2 weeks later, ended up with the second trio. I LOVE oxbow foods, they do well on it, but...

I have a VERY hard time finding oxbow in my area, and it's ridiculous! I am paying $28 for a 10lb bag, and go through this every 2 weeks...
and lately, they have been picking it out & throwing it, and I simply can't afford to spend THAT much on food for them to waste...

SOO....I have been reading & see that the Purina rabbit chow is highly reccomended (I see the show seems to be the most recomended?)

I also saw Mazuri recomended, and I saw that there is a difference in opinions due to it causing loose stool in some animals, I fed mazuri years ago when I had my first 2 chinchillas...but that store went out of business, and it's not carried in this area now....

I was in TSC today & saw the new bags of Purina rabbit chow show (which I believe are blue?), and I saw a bag of manna pro, but didn't pay much attention..should i be looking for manna pro rabbit chow? or do they make chinchilla food.

What would the suggestions be to switch them over to? I hate leavin the oxbow, but I hate driving over 100 miles to get it also, and paying ridiculous prices for it...

There is so much conflicting info, I am super confused! LOL :wacko:
You could probably find someone here that could send you the Oxbow for cheaper. $28 for 10 lbs! WOW!

If you are feeding them something that you like and works and is fresh, there's not sense in changing if you don't have to.

There's a few choices that you can try...but if you can avoid switching, that may be the best thing. I'm glad you're here...I bet we can find someone who can send you the food and have it be cheaper than buying it locally. ;)
Check with Sandi. She sells Oxbow and can fill a flat rate box for a set fee. If you like it, and it works for you, try and stick with it.
Thanks, I found that link after reading the first 2 replies. Sounds like a great idea to me! :)

I have about 10 lbs left (I ordered 2 bags last time, because it's a good trip to get it)
If oxbow works stick with it. But if your looking for something more local and because u do have a lot of might be more cost effective to buy in bulk. I get a 50 pound bag of the purina rabbit show chow for about 13 dollars.
That's kinda what I was thinking as well. Would it be ok to maybe mix them if they do well on the mixture?

I just wouldn't feel quite as bad dumping out a bowl that is full of poo & shavings if it was a bit less! lol

it also scares me to think that I would have to remember to order it.. with the work & dog rescues, sometimes it gets difficult for me to remember everything...

I do plan to rehome at least 1 of the current babies, and 1 adult male possibly.. (if I can let him go!) to a VERY good friend of mine..

But it's just a thought/brainstorming.
One little thing that you can do with food is attach a note onto a bag with about two weeks worth of food in it. That way you are reminding yourself that you MUST reorder. :) I do this for some of my customers and it helps them immensely.

You should be able to mix the two feeds with no problem.
That's also a great Idea. I store all of my feed in plastic sealed containers..if it were just in a bag, my goofy dogs would eat it! *roll eyes*

I brought home a 20 lb. bag of chick starter earlier this week for a chicks, and they ate over half of it over night! so we have to store all animal food in sealed containers!! (You would have thought I would have learned my lesson when they ate the 25 lb. bag of Zupreem parrot chow for my macaw ($52 per bag!!!) but nope!!)
Another suggestion if you decide to stay with Oxbow is to call them directly to place an order for the pellets. The only thing is that it has to be a minimum of a 50 pound bag. The total approximate cost for delivery to your door would be $62, maybe $1 or 2 more.

Also, I sell it as well but can only do up to 10 pounds max at one time. It would take 2 business from my house to yours for delivery through fedex. PM me if you are interested.
Sandi i will be ordering my next bag of food from you. I had to run last minute to Petsmart to get Oxbow. I paid $24.00 for a 5 pound bag. My fault for not planning ahead and running out of food.
Wow I could get 100 pounds of food for 24 box.

If you want to stick with Oxbow than Sandi's suggestion is great. 65 bucks for 50 pounds is reasonable and with all those chins,should last several months. You could also price and try either the purina or manna pro. If you do a search on the forum you will find several threads on both. Just mix in the beginning and good luck.
So I could get a 50 lb bag for about $63..that's almost what I paid for 20 lbs.

I may call them directly... i will have to see how things go between then & now, and may definately be in thouch!

Sandi i will be ordering my next bag of food from you. I had to run last minute to Petsmart to get Oxbow. I paid $24.00 for a 5 pound bag. My fault for not planning ahead and running out of food.

Ouch! I believe the Petsmart by me sells 5 pounds for $16.99 plus tax. That's still alot of money for 5 pounds of feed. As long as I have chins, I'll sell Oxbow. :D

So I could get a 50 lb bag for about $63..that's almost what I paid for 20 lbs.

I may call them directly... i will have to see how things go between then & now, and may definately be in thouch!


No problem, glad I can help!