Confused about fleece...

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Well-known member
Jul 3, 2011
So I had wanted to make a couple of fleece tube for my chins. I went out got all things necessary and was ready to start until I found out there are several types of fleece. I have fleece now and I don't eve know what kind it is...the store I went to was a mom and pop shop that's been around for ages, so nothings really orderly. I got the fleece from a section that said polar fleece. It looks like normal fleece to me. How do I know if what I got is safe to use? It's not the slippery fuzzy kind. Also I did wash it and dried it and it didn't form any balls, but it may take more than just one wash to see if it does. What should I do?
You should be fine :) you just don't want anything that pills easily. All fleece eventually gets old and needs to be replaced, but if it didn't pill during the first wash I'd use it. My favorites are anti-pill and blizzard fleece.
i agree with Brittany.

now if you do see your chins chewing on the fleece at all, any more than the initial test nibble because it's a new thing in their cage, remove the fleece items right away.
Polar fleece is the type of fleece that sweatshirts are made from and I read on here somewhere that it was a safe type of fleece, so I think you are good to go! But as was said previously, any signs of the chins chewing on it more than just a test nibble and out it must come.
Polar fleece is the type of fleece that sweatshirts are made from and I read on here somewhere that it was a safe type of fleece, so I think you are good to go! But as was said previously, any signs of the chins chewing on it more than just a test nibble and out it must come.
Sweatshirts are not made out of polar fleece.
Sweatshirts are not made out of polar fleece.

Agreed. Sweatshirts and most hoodies are made of natural fibers and blends, fleece is 100% synthetic (hence why it won't fray or tear).

To the OP, like others said, as long as its fleece you'll be ok. The difference that I've noticed with fleece is the thicker it is the longer it lasts and the thinner ones are the ones that will tend to pill (if you aren't sure if it was anti pill or not). Just make sure your fuzzies aren't actively trying to destroy it. :thumbsup:
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So I made my first fleece tube and it looks great! I don't really sew all that much because my sewing machines a brat, but it worked out well. It's covering a really large pvc pipe and its baby pink and my little ones all sorts of excited about it. She wants to know if its something to eat, so she keeps hopping on it and nibbling then popping off and back and forth. It's too cute. She's very happy. I just need to get the mounting gear for it. So my next question would be what stuff should I use like metal types. Stainless steel, galvanized, etc.?