Concerned for my boy...

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chin smitten
Mar 2, 2009
So, ever since Pixie had her kits and she's been separated from Milo, I've felt that he was a little depressed and would always perk up when I would let them visit each other for a few minutes (after the first week and a half to prevent breedback).

However, this week he seems to be eating less... only a tablespoon of pellet a day and part of a timothy hay cube (not sure how much loose hay). His feces and urine seems normal, teeth are normal, fur is normal... no signs of discharge or other ailments. I gave him a bit of anti-bloat drops and oxbow papaya in case it was a slight GI upset... but still doesn't seem to be eating as much. I've been marking his water bottle and he is drinking... he's drank about 2 inches of water on the superpet large glass bottle since Friday night.

We have had air conditioning on the entire summer since we have quite a few small animals, so it's never warmer that 72 degrees in the room... and usually around 70 degrees.

Also checked his private areas and all seemed normal. Please help :/

He's my baby and I want to catch any potential issue early.
yay! I'm glad someone replied :)

I'll try a fleece cuddle buddy and maybe consider trying to bond him to an alternate mate since I was considering doing so anyhow.

I just want to rule out possible illnesses so I'm going to keep a close on eye him for a while