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He's a very cute and busy guy! I think he has a musical gift. He's very drawn to the guitars. :)

I would caution you though, letting him chew the guitar pick is not a good idea. I know it seems like it wouldn't be a big deal, but it is. One of the moderators chins ingested a very small piece of plastic and he almost died from it. It's something you need to be very aware of.
ahahha, that is pretty cute!! I agree with what Tunes said, though. I know you probably don't make a habit of letting him chew the pick, just something to watch out for. Chins will chew anything, it's ridiculous really.

I love videos of chins popcorning, it's so funny. It's like they can't help but spasm with glee!
Oh no, normally I would never let him chew on anything that consists of plastic, but guitar picks vary from thick to thin, and I use thick. It's too much for him to even make a dent in. I'll definitely watch out for it though, thanks guys