Saturday, February 1, 2014
67th Colorado Branch E.C.B.C. Sanctioned Show
One Day Show
Location: LaQuinta Inn, 3709 E. Mulberry St., Ft. Collins, CO 80524
Rate: $65 one bed, $75 two beds.
Use code: Chinchilla
Show: 10 Class Standard Live Animal Show
Mutation Live Animal Show
Entry Fees: $7 per animal for members
$9 per animal, non-E.C.B.C. members
(Join today and $$AVE!!!)
Special Fees: With entry of 20 or more total animals
$6 members/$8 non-members per animal
(Again, join today and $$AVE!!!)
Setup: Friday, January 31, 4 p.m.
Entry: Friday after setup is complete
Saturday morning 6 a.m.-9 a..m.
Judging: Starts at 10 a.m. Saturday, February 1
Judge: Bob Merritt, Trainee Dan Jensen
Awards: Ribbons for 1st-5th.
Rosettes for Class and Reserve Class Champions.
Trophies for Standard/Mutation Grand Show, Reserve Grand Show.
Breeder Awards for 1st-5th
Special Events: 50-50 Drawing. Door Prizes
Lunch available -- donations accepted AND appreciated!!!
Soup Supper at Beitz's Saturday evening (after the show)
General Helpful Info: La Quinta is located 1 block West of I-25 on the South side of Colorado Highway 14
(also known as Mulberry Street).
Use I-25 exit 269B. West of the overpass, almost immediately, turn left onto the frontage road and drive West to enter the hotel lot.
Looking forward to visiting with you at the show
and enjoying some stiff but friendly competition!
Remember, it's Winter/(almost) Springtime in Colorado -- it could be sunny and 70
or it could be wintry. Be sure to check the weather forecasts a day or two out.
(For weather conditions, go to 9news.com or Weather.com
for the latest updates and satellite maps)