My new chin was given to me by her 2nd owner. I have no info on her background. I am trying to identify her color etc. I can't tell just from reading if she is just a light grey standard or something else.
Hoping the above pics will better show Sprockets coloring. She has freckles on her ears and dark red eyes. Are these beige only traits? She is difficult to get a good picture of. Every time I open the cage she stops what she is doing and tries to get out. Even if she has just had playa time and is tired and warm.
She looks beige to me. Also, I believe the ear freckles and red eyes are a beige thing, but mutations like TOV beige could also have them, as long as the beige gene is there.
I have also seen beiges in pet stores, but not too often (maybe once or twice, and I always have a habit of looking at the chins whenever I go...). Mostly I see standards. But either a pet store or breeder could be possible.
Also, to the TOV question, my avatar pic is of a brown velvet (beige TOV)