Color question....

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Poppy the mosaic squibbit
Jan 29, 2009
Farm country, Northern Illinois
I have two of the Arlington Rescue Chins. One is definitely a hetero beige. The other, I was told, was a standard. Kristy looked at the chinnie and said it was an ebony. I do believe it's an ebony but how can you tell an ebony from a dirty bellied standard? Here are some pics. They aren't great because they are from my cell phone and I was holding the chin and taking the picture at the same time. Mind you, these two rescue chins are WILD. If you want better pictures to help decide I can post more later when my son comes home.


What I can see of the belly makes me think eb over a dirty belly standard. The coloring is too uniform to just be a dirty belly.
Okay. Kristy said it was an ebony and I believe her. I just wondered how to tell the difference between a dirty bellied standard and an eb. I imagine the BEST way would be the genetics of the parents. Would you consider this a medium eb?