Color Mutation...

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I was wondering if this was considered "sapphire beige"

What are the parents? That looks like a regular beige to me...I don't know why anyone would cross a sapphire with beige.
I believe one parent is beige and the other is sapphire.
The owner said he had a good fur quality for him being the offspring of the two.
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He looks like a regular hetero beige to me also. From that pairing, he would be a beige s/c (sapphire carrier). Nothing good can be accomplished with that pairing as sapphires alone need a LOT of improvement. Also, quality can't be judged in a kit that young.
I doubt someone willing to cross a beige and a sapphire knows a whole lot about fur quality, lol. No one that I know would make that cross.

In order to be a sapphire beige, both parents would need to carry the sapphire gene. You would also see evidence of the sapphire mutation in the coat which I do not see on your little guy there. From a beige and a sapphire you can only get beige sapphire carriers or standard sapphire carriers. If the one parent was a beige sapphire carrier it would change the possibilities, but even with that I would still say your guy is a beige sapphire carrier.

He's adorable and I'm sure he'll be a wonderful pet! ;)
I don't see the blue-ish hue around the fur so I believe it's just a (very cute) beige one.