color change on my tan baby :)

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to many chin chips??
Sep 15, 2009
picayune, Ms
here was a new born pic of baby blizzard


here was a month or 2 ago

here is now


in these pics if you notice she has dark spots by her rear legs, in the pics they look brown but in person they are a dark grey amazed at where this color came from lol
lol shes adorable but to me she looks like a rat lol its so funny.. im pretty sure there red. her mother was a hetero beige. she father is unknown
My beige gets greasy looking easily like that, too. She looks like she needs a bath way earlier than my standard even though the standard lets us pet her more.
What kind of dust are you using? No dust I've ever seen has made a chin's fur look that bad. Even back when I used crappy Kaytee my girls looked less greasy than that..
Blue sparkle is a good dust, I wonder why she looks like that. Does she like the dust bath? How long does she bath when you give her a bath? What kind of cage is it, does it have a solid bottom or a wire bottom? What kind of bedding do you use? Sorry for all the questions, but that may have something to do with it. She is adorable by the way!
i use aspen bedding and also she doesnt take WONDERFUL dust baths like everyone else. i leave it in there for 30 minutes she jumps in and rite back out she does her business and leaves lol

Blue sparkle is a good dust, I wonder why she looks like that. Does she like the dust bath? How long does she bath when you give her a bath? What kind of cage is it, does it have a solid bottom or a wire bottom? What kind of bedding do you use? Sorry for all the questions, but that may have something to do with it. She is adorable by the way!
i use aspen bedding and also she doesnt take WONDERFUL dust baths like everyone else. i leave it in there for 30 minutes she jumps in and rite back out she does her business and leaves lol

Hm, I have had a few kits who took awhile to get warmed up to the whole dust bath thing. Try giving her a bath when she is out of the cage and during playtime to see if that makes her bath longer, silly chin!
lol when we first started she didnt understand we had to show her how to do it , lol then after watching some of the others do it also she began to catch on but she honestly just sucks at it lol

Hm, I have had a few kits who took awhile to get warmed up to the whole dust bath thing. Try giving her a bath when she is out of the cage and during playtime to see if that makes her bath longer, silly chin!