Coffee hiding and wont come out

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Well-known member
Apr 28, 2009
Los Angeles
I purchased 3 new boys from the same breeder.

I have my previous chins living on the top level of the FN 142 and my new boys on the bottom. I am planning on switching them every couple of days. My boy Gretzky was the oldest b4 I bought new chins and he was being what I like to say a “bully.” The breeder said there will always be an Alpha … he doesn’t bite the new ones just runs around cackling at them, trying to hump them and all in all being a pest.

Anyways, my new Tan boy wouldn’t leave the cardboard tunnel for ½ the first day I brought him home. He has since went into the chin house and hasn’t come out since (that I have seen) except when I picked up the house and let him have play time. (it is totally possible he has sneaked out when I was sleeping but I tried to stay up with him the past 2 days)
During play time he climbed up against me and hid baby style in my arms. When no one else was around and I stepped out of the play pen he did hop around a little.

I am worried b/c I don’t know if he has come out to eat since I brought him home. I poured his chin food from the breeder inside the chin house and piled some timothy hay by the door so if he did want to eat he could.
I know it’s only been two days…. All the other chins are investigating things and jumping around having fun. He is housed with two very docile chins.

When do I start to worry about him hiding in the chin house and have you had new chins act like this? I'm really worried but I dont want to Jump the gun and bring him to a vet and freak him out more if all he needs is time. (no drooling, loose stool ect).

I would give him time. He will come around. My girl was like that and i thought she wasn't eating but late one night i cought her sneaking down for some food. It took about a week before she would actually move about the cage and explore. She hid in the fleece tube and never left. Maybe put some food up by him. But some chins take more time to adjust than others. The chins he is living with, how long has he been with them? Are they bullying him?
Thxs for info about your chin.
Like I said above I put the breeders food in the house on the floor and also a big pile of timothy hay outside right on the door.
He lived cage by cage with the two other boys. He never lived with them by their cages touched. They are docile like I said above. I haven’t seen "Gimpy -boy with the missing leg" or "Cola" bothering him. They play in the level together or sleep in their respective areas. Pretty much ignore him. I see them every now and then peek inside the house but that’s about it.
I bought them when I had 3 days off. Now I am back to work (I work at night) so I can keep an eye on them during the day now. Just so worried :\ I dont want to say I have favorites but I like him a lot bc he lets me hold him on his back and rub his tummy and head... he falls asleep like that.
I know what you mean!! We all have favorites! If you are really concerned about him not eating start weighing him daily. I wouldnt stress him to much just let him be for a while and he will eventually come around.
Coffee came out of hiding tonight :thumbsup:
He is now in a tube and he was on a ledge a little while ago. I'm REALLY happy!!

I am watching everyones water intake. My previous boys would use a whole water bottle every night and they havent seemed to be drinking 1/2 the amount they normally do so Im keeping an eye on them.
