clumpy chin chin

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2009
Alameda, CA
This may be somewhat of an obvious question but how do you tell if a chin is drooling?
A couple of times (three that I can think of in the past two months or so) I have noticed the fur on Ferdinand's chin being clumpy- sort of like it's been wet and then dried. I don't know if this is something to be concerned about, I get worried easily about my little guy so want to be cautious but also don't want to run to the vet anytime there is a little something since most of the time nothing is wrong!
He's fine otherwise, once in a while he is grumpier and kacks more often but doesn't last long and I figure he was in a bad mood or something.
The wet and dried look on the chest is an obvious sign. Sometimes a water bottle can leak and cause this but usually if it dries looking stuck together then its drool. I would go get an x ray now. The earlier you get it checked the better chances you have of treating it.
The fur around the sides of the mouth often gets wet too and the insides of the paws when the chin wipes its mouth.

Is your chin showing any other signs of problems?
Crumbling pellets?
Small droppings?
Eating less hay?
Flicking ears when eating?

The grumpiness could be a sign of discomfort so that combined with the wet chest would make me take a trip to the vets for a check-up.
At different times of the day run your finger across the front of the chins lips, if you have moisture on your finger you have drool. Also look at the tops of the paws, see if there is any discoloration there or clumped fur also.
Crumbling pellets?- no
Small droppings?- no
Eating less hay?- no, he loves his hay, and is having no problem with chew sticks.
Flicking ears when eating?- will have to check, I haven't noticed but will look today.

I'll try running my finger across his lip today, his paws aren't clumpy I've kept an eye on his waterbottle and sometimes it leaks but not bad. There also is no discoloration either. I'll check these out and give the vet a call in the morning.
Thanks, anything else to look at?