Closed eyes

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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2009
A friend of mine has been trying to open the eyes of one of her new born baby. Is there anything else she can do after the warm water, Q-tips, etc. It won't open.
The only advice I would give is to keep trying every hour or so. Soaking the eyelid with tepid saline or cooled boiled water and then gently prise the eyelids apart usually owrks - it may just take a few attempts.
The faster one can get the eyelids open the better so that the kits can see where they are going and can get to suckling.
I've only used a warm washcloth, from front to rear. After about 7-10 strokes,with gentle pressure, try using fingers to open.
Seems the faster they're open, the quicker they thrive!
I don't mess with the eyes for the first day or so. I think some are just not ready to open. They do fine with them closed- can find the food, etc. Then, if they are not open within a couple of days, then I gently wash them with a wet q-tip. I never pull on them, though.