Cleaning without a sandbath?

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My chinchillas just got over a bad spell of diarrhea. They are doing much better now, but they are EXTREMELY dirty. The poop stuck to them, that I have tried my best to pick out. But my main concern is that when they had it, they not only jumped in their own mess, but also rolled in it.:impatient: They have some matted spots on their fur. Their feet are also caked in poo. I have tried my best to get what I can off, but it hasnt quite done the trick. They have also gotten many sand baths, and still, nothing. They smell awful, and I want them to get clean, quick! What else can I do?
I had a problem with my chin & the gooey meds stuck to his fur, the 2 recommendations that I got was using an unscented baby wipe and a warm washcloth with baby shampoo.
the baby wipe wasnt helpful in my case. I used a teeny tiny dab of baby shampoo on a warm damp cloth and wiped and then used just water to get any residue off and then dried him with a towel. THEN the next day i tried running a comb gently thru it. Then repeated the process. It helped and I suspect with poo it will have better results than with sticky meds!
I took a lightly damped wash cloth and got it out that way.
Just make sure to try and dry them as much as possible. They should be fine.
and then give them an oat for being so well behaved after the tramatic event :)