Cleaning Day...Random Pics

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So I went on a mad cleaning spree today and the chins house got it too...and they even got a bath! So while everything was sparkly (literally)....I shot a few pics.

Sleepy Sirius...

Rigel's Stink Eye

Look at that beautiful boy!

Sirius loves to perch!

Prooof of Cleeeeaaaan!!!!! I love it!

Rig Peekin..."are ya done yet ma, geeeesh!"

One more of Siri!
aww their SO cute! They look SO happy in their clean cage. I love the liner on the cage too it's so colorful, it really caught my eye for some reason.
I adore your cage!!! Its so nice, and themed and..... I could just go on and on. Also, those are some very handsome boys.
Very nice. Those are some very very spoiled chinnies. Out of curiosity-how does your fleece bedding hold up?


Thanks everyone!

Jessica- the fleece has been through the washer and dryer 3 times and is still like new. I love it. I would never use full bedding. My boys are mostly litter pan trained, meaning they potty in the pans so the clean-up is a little easier that way. I wash the fleece once a week and it has velcro that holds it in place so when I wash it, I fold them in half and velcro them to themselves, if that makes sense. It's easier on the velcro. There's no smell for me, love them!

BellaBella (Jen) on here makes most of my fleece stuff for me and then Gella of course, makes the car and themed sets as well. Both wonderful gals. :)