Well-known member
First of all this thread is not to start an argument between anyone or a debate. It is only asking for feedback for my knowledge--I am someone that always needs to know why and not just "that's not good". I am starting this thread because of what was said on the thread about "organic cranberries". And because there is much controversy if it's just your opinion than that doesn't help. I want real answers that are facts if they can be provided, but don't think they can be from what I read on the other thread. Now I will be copying some of what other people said, not to go behind their backs, but just to make some points. Also as most of you know, i'm not a newbie to chins ....I've owned them for i think close to five years now.
Okay I do know chins have sensitive digestive tracts and no gall {sp} bladder and have to be careful with what they eat..
Now as Abby said "Dried fruits can be given to chinchillas in moderation without causing problems. " and "Many reputable breeders sell dried fruits in their website stores as treats for chins. They wouldn't do that if there was any definitive proof that it was so dangerous, right? I think the dried fruit debate is a matter of opinion, and personal experience, rather than scientific fact."
AZ said although she doesn't usually treat, on occasion she will give a piece of papaya. The only problem with saying that dried fruit is okay even in moderation is the fact that people do not understand moderation at all. They hear a raisin is okay every now and then, but they perceive that to mean that it's okay to give it every day or even several times a day.
Allie: Someone says it's okay to give raisins, in moderation. But a newbie may take the first part and not the second and start giving plentiful raisins to their chins. And I wish I had the post from CnQ, but at one point in time a member's chin did get very very sick from a treat with sugar in it. The member didn't know that the treat had been made with an ingredient containing sugar, and then chin almost died.
Okay enough with quoting.
I'm still always looking at breeders sites and reading what they say and there is so much controversy over certain things. For treats it's not just raisins, last night I read that lettuce was safe, it wasn't safe, grapes were safe, they weren't safe..etc...Now, I'm not talking all the time here, talking in moderation. What is the truth to this matter? Like Abby said, many breeders sell these items that are said to be harmful, now I know you guys can't guess why they do it if these items truely are harmful, but is it because it really is okay in moderation and do they just not give a hoot. Like AZ said, if it's just literally here and there are raisins or dried fruits really bad. And Allie this person that said their chin got really sick and almost died from eating something with sugar, was it a fact that was the reason the chin got sick, from one sugar treat? And you also said that with new chin owners if you say in moderation they will give too many, is this why you say never use those treats? Can giving just one raisin really cause bloat? If any of you are breeders [if you would step up to the plate for your advise it would be great] and you sell on your website something that other people say don't use, why do you sell it? Are you saying it really is safe in moderation?
Okay long enough, I'm sure my point is made. Again please no debating back and fourth, I would really rather read answers and facts on this one.
Thanks to all who answer.
First of all this thread is not to start an argument between anyone or a debate. It is only asking for feedback for my knowledge--I am someone that always needs to know why and not just "that's not good". I am starting this thread because of what was said on the thread about "organic cranberries". And because there is much controversy if it's just your opinion than that doesn't help. I want real answers that are facts if they can be provided, but don't think they can be from what I read on the other thread. Now I will be copying some of what other people said, not to go behind their backs, but just to make some points. Also as most of you know, i'm not a newbie to chins ....I've owned them for i think close to five years now.
Okay I do know chins have sensitive digestive tracts and no gall {sp} bladder and have to be careful with what they eat..
Now as Abby said "Dried fruits can be given to chinchillas in moderation without causing problems. " and "Many reputable breeders sell dried fruits in their website stores as treats for chins. They wouldn't do that if there was any definitive proof that it was so dangerous, right? I think the dried fruit debate is a matter of opinion, and personal experience, rather than scientific fact."
AZ said although she doesn't usually treat, on occasion she will give a piece of papaya. The only problem with saying that dried fruit is okay even in moderation is the fact that people do not understand moderation at all. They hear a raisin is okay every now and then, but they perceive that to mean that it's okay to give it every day or even several times a day.
Allie: Someone says it's okay to give raisins, in moderation. But a newbie may take the first part and not the second and start giving plentiful raisins to their chins. And I wish I had the post from CnQ, but at one point in time a member's chin did get very very sick from a treat with sugar in it. The member didn't know that the treat had been made with an ingredient containing sugar, and then chin almost died.
Okay enough with quoting.
I'm still always looking at breeders sites and reading what they say and there is so much controversy over certain things. For treats it's not just raisins, last night I read that lettuce was safe, it wasn't safe, grapes were safe, they weren't safe..etc...Now, I'm not talking all the time here, talking in moderation. What is the truth to this matter? Like Abby said, many breeders sell these items that are said to be harmful, now I know you guys can't guess why they do it if these items truely are harmful, but is it because it really is okay in moderation and do they just not give a hoot. Like AZ said, if it's just literally here and there are raisins or dried fruits really bad. And Allie this person that said their chin got really sick and almost died from eating something with sugar, was it a fact that was the reason the chin got sick, from one sugar treat? And you also said that with new chin owners if you say in moderation they will give too many, is this why you say never use those treats? Can giving just one raisin really cause bloat? If any of you are breeders [if you would step up to the plate for your advise it would be great] and you sell on your website something that other people say don't use, why do you sell it? Are you saying it really is safe in moderation?
Okay long enough, I'm sure my point is made. Again please no debating back and fourth, I would really rather read answers and facts on this one.
Thanks to all who answer.