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Kung Fu Chinny!
Jan 30, 2009
Dallas/Fort Worth, TX
Caught one coming out on a 4" pipe. One of the larger ones I've seen here, and very pretty. :))


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Do you have a lot of them around there? How's the noise level in the summer? :p

Can you say that again? :p Deafening. Clearly you've been around these guys.

There's hundreds of holes around my oak trees. They're everywhere. A friend said her dad could shoot them out of the trees here by listening to them. I could never figure out how, there's probably a hundred of them in there and it is a roar in the evening. Loud enough that people often can't hear me on the phone that time of night.

I know there's several varieties down here but I suspect these are the noisiest.
Oh my, I'm sorry but I don't think I could stand it by you. When we had the cicadas of 2007 by me, it was unbearable and I don't even remember when they came out before 2007 either.
My cats eat those things...they bring them up on the porch and they make all sorts of noises before the cats crunch them in their mouths. Ick. I think I just made myself a little sick thinking of that.

The sound those cicadas put out here in the high desert is deafening in July and August. They're everywhere it seems right after the rains come...but the cats are happy, they get a new source of protein.
Um, well, I think it's kind of pretty with it's spring green color and it's lacy wings. And I really find the noise of crickets and cicadas kind of calming. Come one, folks, I can't be the only one here who feels this way.............or am I?
I thought it was lovely, wish I could get it's dry color. They are quite stunning but I'm not climbing any trees.

Between them, the frogs/crickets/birds/wild cajuns it is a very soothing racket. You don't think about it until winter comes in around Jan and you have a silent day. It's very eerie. Maybe I'll take my camera out and get a short recording at night. You'd be surprised by what you hear. :D
So true! I can't imagine not going outside at night and hearing them.
Funny story: Last year, Kendyl had found one in the driveway while hubby was mowing the lawn (she's 3 at this time). She asked dad if she could pick it up and he said, "Sure." He didn't think she would...she's our anal hand cleaning girl. But she did (by the wing), and was fascinated when it started trying to flutter and making that buzzing noise, then put it down again. Right as she's doing that, I pull in the driveway w/ the other 2 kiddos in tow. Lucas gets out (age 5 at that time) and Kendyl is SOOOO excited to show it to him. She picks it up again so he can hear the buzz, then she puts it back down. Lucas looks at her, stomps on the cicada and starts laughing. Kendyl starts screaming and bawling and runs to daddy telling him, "Wookie (that's Lukie in our terms) just killed my BEST FRIEND!"
Drama Queen.
Aww, poor cicada. They're pretty harmless. I just found out what all the towers in my yard are - they're crawfish! I had no clue they lived on dry land.

I mowed over all of them a few days ago, but this one in the ditch survived. Between them and the anthills the lawnmower blades really take a beating. :p

Amazing what you learn...


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I miss the "June Bugs" ..and the crawdads.. thanks for sharing! :) in the big shrimp lookin' things in the creeks? I had NO idea they live on dry those towers nonetheless. June bugs for me. I had a nasty bruise on the forehead once from getting smaked by one while on a motorcycle. :duh: