I just got churro today he is 7 weeks old and i thought he would be a little shy and skiddish but once i put him in the cage he could not stop running around and rollding the tube around and hidding in it
yeah im sure he is 7 weeks it will be 8 weeks on monday but he was weaned kind of early but he is treat when i first brought him home he sat in the corner and slept for about an hour and since then he hasnt stopped running around and he keeps coming to the corming of the cage and stares at me and starts chirping to let him out
do you live close to ny? and im home alot and i needed a good companion and i figured a chinchilla could fill that spot since i dont like cats and dogs to much
Oh, so this is the same chin in the thread about the chin sitting in the corner not eating...
I'm confused. You start one thread saying he just sits in the corner not eating unless you put food in front of him but in this one you say he runs around?
Either way, at 7 weeks he is young, and I would worry about him not eating much and being stressed out. Make sure and keep an eye on him..
yeah it is the same chin but out of no where hes like a 5 year kid on a sugar rush i guess he was just stressed from the car ride here and teh new cage and all but hes eating fine now
Everyone can over react from time to time. He is cute. Just keep your eye out on how much he is actually eating...and not just throwing around the cage as some are little buggars like that. You might want to anchor down the fleece tube so he has a stationary hiding place...plus you might see him trying to sleep on top of it instead of in it. I have cardboard tubes for play time and i know my girls can freak out when they start to move cuz they messed up the lay out that would have kept them still.
Is that a granola bar in the first picture? Make sure you don't give him any treats at all until he is over 6 months, and then only safe treats like rosehips, old fashioned oats, plain shredded wheat, or just good old wood to chew on.
the granola bar is my treat lol but he has one tube that is secured to the cage the other one he likes pushing it around then he runs through it and jumps over it and then he falls asleep in it
the granola bar is my treat lol but he has one tube that is secured to the cage the other one he likes pushing it around then he runs through it and jumps over it and then he falls asleep in it
Be very careful with the treats. Bloat can kill a chin, especially a small one, very easily. No sugar for him at all, no fruits, no veggies only hay and quality pellets. Also, I would find some wood or chin chillers to put on the wire cage to give him more places to rest his feet. Tiny chins feet can get sore from wire, so the more places to rest, the better. You can order cheap shelves and ledges from people on here, and it is so fun to watch them jump and play!
he is only getting hay cubes loose hay and pellets and apple sticks i am not going to give him any treats untill he is around 6 months old. he has a sleeping ledge and a smaller one he also has two fleece tubes and fleece covered floors except for the bottom one
oh now i see what u mean by a chewy bar that is pellets compacted into a chew block the breeder gave me i thought there was an actuall like chewy bar in one of the pictures which i was eating while i was taking the pictures
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